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"Account of Courtney & Jeremy | whizzper | 2


Jeremy Lang dragged his six foot six inch frame out of bed after two times hitting the snooze on his alarm clock. Yawning he walked over to his entertainment system. Fumbling through some CD's he chose Weathered by Creed, and put the first song Bullets on repeat. The song always pumped him up in the morning.

He glanced at his calender as the spoken intro plays. He inhaled sharply as he remembered that today was Courtney's birthday. He smiled as her image popped into his head. In his head she was always smiling at him. Ever since that incident fourteen years ago on the carousel with his father Tommy, his aunt Kathryn and Courtney's father. It was scary, the whole incident, and he still wished he was big enough at the time to beat all those assholes up. He had sworn right then and there, though only to himself, that he would never pick on someone for a birth defect as aunt Kathryn's so called friends had done to her.

Grabbing a change of clothes he went to take a shower and get ready for the Saturday ahead.

As the water ran over his huge frame Courtney's image popped into his head again, though this time in that bikini that she wore to Bridgett's birthday pool party two weeks ago. He saw her and almost came in his pants at the way it revealed her newly tight and toned body. Not that she was ever anywhere near fat of course, it had just taken her a little while to figure out that guys his age liked a little tone on the body, rather than the baby fat that she had. He had barely been able to keep his eye off her body as he walked up to say hello to her, and then to top it off she had given him a hug in the thing. A long lingering hug that made him tingle down to his very core.

He felt his cock hardening at the images of Courtney diving into the pool, at the supposedly surreptitious glances she kept giving him through the party, the smiles when he looked over at her. The little sighs she gave when he looked at her for any length of time.

Then his mind flipped to the accidental make out session he and Courtney had shared after Jeremy ran off Chad. It was a good thing that Chad was on the track team, and that he had heard Courtney crying on the couch. When he had looked over his heart had melted at the lost look in her eyes as she cowered in the fetal position on the couch. He had quickly turned from his pursuit of the asshole Chad, and went to comfort Courtney.

It was a tender thankful peck on the lips that had started it. She had pulled her head back from the chaste kiss that had left him tingling, her breathing steady but deep. He had stared into her blue tear filled eyes and had been struck by the total innocence in them. He had fallen deeper for her right then and there. And if the sheriff's department hadn't raided the place fifteen minutes later Courtney and he probably would have consummated right then and there.

As it was he was glad it hadn't happened. It would have probably ruined their friendship, and probably her reputation. She had been drunk, it would have been taking advantage of her.

Jeremy suppressed the thoughts. If all went right that night wouldn't matter except for the eye contact. He had known for a long time that he loved her. It wasn't until that eye contact, that deep trusting innocent eye contact, that he was sure that she loved him as well.

It was trust that he never wanted to betray. It was a trust that he had decided would bear the greatest of gifts he could give her. His own virginity. Granted he had had a couple blowjobs, and even ate out Sharon one time. But he had been taught self control by his father, mainly because he was so big. Having a man the size of Jeremy lose control can be painful, which is why his father taught him through experience and through martial arts classes to control his anger so he didn't hurt anyone. Jeremy, like his father was almost imperturbable. But if you got his ire, better run.


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