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When The Cat's Away | whizzper | 28


"Well, there's no answer at the Menard's room." Bryan said as he dialed the Walker's.

Kathryn looked up from the large beach bag she was packing, "They're probably up in Jim and Sally's room, doing each other's brains out."

Bryan grunted as the phone rang. It was Sandy that answered, sleepily. " H'lo?"

"Hey Sandy, mind if Kate and I come on up?"

"Hehe, Come, or cum?" Sandy replied, a little more awake now.

"Perhaps both." Bryan said with a smile as he watched Kathryn put on a pair of shorts under her nightie catching a glimpse of his favorite type of kitty. She smiled as she stood up, knowing that he had looked. He winked at her.

"Sure, I'll wake Peter...oh wait, he's not here. Must have went to the bathroom again. Anyway, get up here. I feel like some tonguing is in order." With that the sun kissed beauty hung up her end of the connection.

Bryan hung up the phone and grabbed the big bag from Kathryn's hands, slinging it over his shoulder. "I didn't pack *that* much, Bryan. I could have carried it..."

"That's all right, let's go."

"Okay." Kathryn answered, grabbing the key card off the nightstand by the lamp.

As they left their room, Amber was walking down the hall. "Hey guys! What *are* you two doing going out *now*?

"We're going upstairs to some friends room."

Amber nodded, "Don't like the sky either, huh?"

"Not at all. They're higher up and..."

"I understand. You landlubbers always freaking out at the slightest hint of bad weather." She said with a smile, but that quickly dropped, "But then I did hear the weather report. The Captain will take us away from the storm, but it looks like a doozy coming from the east."

"In deeper waters." Kathryn said.

"Yeah, it won't hit us, I assure you. We have a good old fashioned Norwegian Captain. Those Vikings knew the sea, making it to North America on longships."

"I have a little Norwegian in me too." Kathryn said, smiling at Amber.

Amber giggled, "Me too! Actually I'm mostly Norwegian, I'm just not as tall as the rest of them." She said, pouting.

"Well, we have to get upstairs..."

Amber glanced at her watch, "I'll escort you up, okay?"



How does Sandy answer the door?



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