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Ten Year Reunion | GoodSon | 5


As I made my way back towards the bar I noticed several people glancing at me, curious expressions on their faces as if wondering how my clothes had gotten so disheveled so quickly. Trying to hide my smile I ordered another drink, shrugging my head at what my former classmates thought. As long as they hadn't seen Amber leaving, and it didn't cause any trouble for her, what the hell did I care what they thought.

I was just taking my drink from the bartender when I heard a voice behind me asking, “Did you and Amber have fun, ?” Swallowing hard, I turned around a denial on my lips until I saw who was standing there and the large smile on her face.

“Hello, Robin,” I greeted her returning her smile, my eyes running over her shapely body quickly as I took a sip of my drink, “and yes, we did.” I confessed with a short laugh.

“Good, she's needed some fun for a long time now,” Robin replied as she stepped up to the bar and ordered a drink, her large blue eyes repeatedly glancing at me. Robin had been Amber's best friend back in high school and it seemed they were still in close contact. “Her husband just hasn't been much fun for her lately.”

“I'm glad I could help her out,” I murmured into my drink, slightly uncomfortable with discussing my tryst with Amber on the floor of the gym.

“I'm sure you are,” Robin smiled, before changing the subject, asking me about my life and what I had been doing for the past several years. I gladly told her, my usual reluctance of talking about myself melting away as we stood there at the bar. I couldn't help letting my eyes run over Robin several times as we talked, admiring how good she still looked. Robin had been one of the hottest girls in our class, her long straight blond hair and blue eyes not to mention her athletic body had been the object of most of our male classmates' masturbation fantasies. If she had known how longed for she was back in school she had never let on, had never acted like the prima donna. The ten years since graduation had been good to her, the years barely affecting her at all.

“So how about you? What have you been doing all this time?” I asked as I finished my life story.

“Oh, I'm a teacher,” Robin shrugged nonchalantly, “I teach right here in the school.”

“Really?” I laughed astonished, thinking about how her good looks probably distracted all her male students. “Married or single?” I asked as I ordered us both another drink.


“I'm sorry,” I said as I took the drinks from the bartender, handing Robin hers. I noticed that her fingers lingered on my hand for a few seconds as she accepted her drink.

“Don't be,” Robin assured me, “I'm not. I married him right out of college and it just didn't work. I guess we both had an idea what marriage was supposed to be like but neither of us agreed with the other. Sally is the only good thing to come out of the marriage.”

“Your daughter?” I guessed, mildly surprised at the thought of Robin having a child. She certainly had kept her figure after childbirth.

“Yeah,” Robin nodded with a proud smile, “She'll be 4 next month. But enough of this small talk,” She announced with an air of finality as she set her empty glass on the bar. “I could use some fun myself, , if you're up for it that is.”


Am I up for it?


          "Oh yes, . You're going to fuck me with this cock."


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