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The Video | CLITaurus | 6


Heather awoke from an incredibly intense sex dream about screwing some hot guy named Keith. She reached down and touched her wet pussy and gasped at how sensitive she still was. She decided to have a shower to wash away the sweat. As she put her foot on the ground her ankle reminded her that it was still sprained. She hobbled in and turned on the shower.

As she was washing herself down there was a knock on the door. “Can I come in?” she heard Danni ask.

“Only if you promise not to make me do anything with you.” Said Heather “It’s not that I wouldn’t enjoy it, but I’m feeling rather worn out.”

“That won’t be a problem anymore” said Danni coming into the bathroom. “I’ve found a new … um … subject for the video so you’re off the hook”

“Really? Who?” said Heather

“You know that ugly guy hangs around practice watching us?” asked Danni

“The one with the acne? He’s actually kind of cute” said Heather, suddenly wondering why she had just realized that. “So what did you do, seduce him into watching the video?”

“Actually you sort of did that.”

“What do you mean?”

“I saw the two of you drive off in your car. By the time I realized he’d brought you here and got here myself it was to late. I’m pretty sure he made you have sex with him.”

Heather was shocked that she wasn’t more disgusted by the idea of the acne scarred guy (who she, for some reason, knew was called Keith) forcing her to have sex with him. No more disgusted, in fact, than she had been about Danni.

“Anyway” continued Danni “I knocked him out, put him in front of the T.V. and made sure he watched the video. I’ve left him for you to deal with.”

Heather got out and put a dressing gown on. She noticed Danni looking at her naked body and found herself wondering, now that she was free to choose, whether she would continue to explore the feelings Danni had awakened in her last night.

She walked out to find Keith (she knew that was his name, although she was sure she wasn’t supposed to) sitting on her couch in front of the T.V.

“Keith” she said as Danni followed her in “Tell me exactly what happened after we drove away from cheerleading practice.”

Keith looked pained, as if he didn’t want to tell, but the power of the Video compelled him. He explained how he had brought her home after she told him about her ankle, how she had told him about the video and how he had got her to have sex with him in her cheerleader’s uniform.

“That’s horrible” said Danni “did you enjoy the look of disgust on her face as you made her screw you against her will? I’m sure you really got off on making her look at your ugly…”

“I didn’t” Keith protested “I made her think she was with the most attractive guy on the planet. I didn’t want to force her so I made her believe a lie. I know it was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. She’s so beautiful and I’m so ugly, but just for a while she wanted me like I wanted her. I’m sorry … God I’m so sorry.”

“So you should be…” began Danni before Heather suddenly cut her off.

“Three words Danni, Pot. Kettle. Black. You did almost the same thing to me the night last night. True you were not unattractive in the same way, but can you really tell me that you would have even dreamed you had a chance with me without using the video? As far as I, or you, knew I was straight as an arrow.”

Danni looked crestfallen. She realized Heather was right, Keith was no more guilty than her.

“You’ll have to forgive Danni. She’s had some bad experiences with men and the video recently, made all the worse by the fact she is gay.”

Keith looked at Danni “I forgive you” he said.

“Whoops” said Heather “I forgot about the video. O.k. Keith, you seem to be a good, if physically unattractive guy. Danni is going to drive you home, and Danni I’m trusting you to get him there safely. When you get there I want you to call these numbers I will give you for a dermatologist, nutritionist and personal trainer. You will ring and make appointments with them O.K.”

“O.k.” said Keith.

“Once you’ve taken him home, Danni, come back here and we’ll talk about what to do with the video.”


What does Danni do?


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