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We look at two people who are sitting at a table with microphones attach to them. One of them is a bald midget with brown tinted glasses with a blue suit and white undershirt and a red tie with a brown cowboy hat on the desk next to him. Sitting next to him is a beautiful redhead in about her 20's or 30's wearing a red halter top and red desinger pants and have diamond earrings on both her ears. The midget then said with exictement "Hello, everyone this Scott "The Horn Dog" Stevens and sitting next to me is my lovely co-host Debbie Dallas and we would like to welcome you to Extreme Mixed Wrestling where wrestling and sex collide. How better can this get?! Wouldn't you agree Debbie?" "Yes, I can agree with you on that but I'm curious as I bet as well as the fans who are with us are is what going inside the ring?" As the cameras take a view around the ring we can see what Debbie is talking about. There are items scattered across the ring from steel chairs to dildos.Every weapon and sex toy you could use in the ring was in there. The cameras then turned back to the two announcers and Scott says "I'm just confuse as you are Debbie." Then Scott looks down through his notes in front of him "From my notes we were suppose to start off with a regular sex match between the boss Tanya Mcvan and a poor sap of man who challenge her for a contract with the league. What a moron if you ask me Debbie" " I agree Scott. I hope he isn't cute it would be ashamed if he is because after this match he'll be nothing more then a shell of a man." "Right you are Debbie, right you are. Wait a minute this just in from the refs.." Scott saids as he looked at his papers on his desk as he put his right hand to his ear to listen to the small earphone in his ear."The refs said that they had orders to put those items in the ring before the audience got here today." Debbie asked" Who was it?" He reply" This is odd they won't say. All they will say it came from the top" Debbie asked with curiosty as she looked to Scott as he was still listenting to his earphone. "Could those orders came from Mrs. Mcvan maybe?" Scott replied while looking at her " I don't know. It's strange for Tanya to cheat so openly espically before a match. It not her style, it strange that what it is Debbie." After Scott said that the lights in the arena dim and that entrance music came on for Tanya Mcvan. Scott said " Well guess we'll find out soon enough Debbie." Then both announcers looked at the entrance for Tanya.

What Tanya was wearing as she came out was a white halter top that was connected to her neck by straps that crisscoss to show a diamond shape view of her crevice and white sweat pants to wrestle in.When she came out of the entrance the crowd immediately booed at the sight of her. While the crowd hiss and boo as Tanya was entering the ring she thought to herself angerly " Where is that whore of a daughter of mine?! Probbaly screwing who's know who. She better got my message or that messanger will feel my wrath from all her holes! No matter I don't need Lisa anyway luckily I have wrestlers who will help me take down this man once and for all with or with out Lisa's help. I love being the boss!" She thought with a evil grin.

Tanya eneter the ring then went to the back of the ring that faced the two announcers and bend over the top rope with her right arm spreading out as her left one held the top rope her with her fingers doing a quick "give me" motion to the nearby ref who was standing outside for a microphone. The ref quickly gave her one which Tanya grab immediately and move to the center of the ring to address the crowd.


What is Tanya intake to the strange items in ring? What is her plan anyway?

          Things unfoil


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