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Paranoia and Rape | neonie | 2


As you sit there in front of the television, very drunk...
Your hot daughter now has come home... she then walks inside through the front door, quickly after which saying hi dad and then starting to go upstairs already...

You quickly say Hey Jacqueline wait a moment...
She seems surprises and just says ok... what do you want?

You think to say, I am going to rape you so bad you are going to cry and at the same time be glad im finally fucking you... (still thinking even if she doesnt want you fucking her, atleast it will teach her a lesson and you will get plenty of satisfaction from it)
But you do not speak those words... atleast not yet, you just say First come and tell me what you did and if you had fun...
She then said Oh but im too tired dad, ill talk to you tomorrow and then continues up the stairs and into her room...
After which you just grumble a little to yourself and down another bottle of beer in a matter of seconds...


What do you decide to do now? Nothing? or Something?


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