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You took a big breath and put your head down. Tanya started to unbottom her skirt getting ready for her blowjob thinking that you will submit. Then you put your head up, this surpise Tanya because you were now a different person and that wimp that just sitting in front of her was gone. She could see it in your eyes that they were eyes of an animal that was just let out of it's cage. Then you said something that surpise and anger Tanya.

"Well since I'm not into beastality. I guess I'll have to fight you instead." You said with a small smirk as you put hands in a prayer formation in front of your face.

This infuriated Tanya to no end as she got up from her desk and slam both hands on the desk as she was leaning towards you and said in rage " Who do you think you are, Cocksucker! I will make sure that you will never wrestle again after I'm done bending you over and fucking you with my strapon!"

You replied clamly as you got up from your chair." Well I heard that bending that is good for your knees so it won't be that bad but i doubt that will happen though but you can try if you want that could be fun." you said with your little smirk

Tanya was more angry with your wise ass remark and said while your back was turned towards her and about to go out of her office. "Who do you think you're messing, huh?! I'm Tanya Mchvan the owner of this league, and your just a little bug that I can squash. I'm...."

You interrupted Tanya and she stopped almost immediately a little stunned as you turned around and she saw that angry beast in your eyes again that said pity the soul who deal go against me. You said with a serious face but still with a calm voice that had anger in it as your right hand pointed at her. " I know exactly who you are. You are an old hag who needs to be taught some humility and I'm the one who going to teach it to you. Pity through..." as you moved your head down and up as you looked at her over several times taking a breath of disgust and turned your head little to the right as you did and turned it back straight as you said. " You really are talented what ashamed that you use that talent and your power to destroy people instead."

Tanya was speechless at this wannabe westler started to leave her office. You said this as you looked at the door that was locked "Don't worry about the door I'll let myself out." you then give right foot jab to the door that made the door swing open braking the lock as it did. You then turn around toward her and said in a stoic voice with your head doing a little bow as you headed outside of the office on the right side "See you in the ring." You left the stunned and anger Tanya alone in her office with the broken door.

Few minutes later as the anger Tanya started slowly slinking back to her chair thinking how she tear this man apart who deal mocks and challenges her to a match espically in her own office. When she sees you peer in from the upper right of the door and said with a little smirk." Oh yea, I almost forgot to tell you your skirt is unzipped." You said as you left a second time and close her door slowly while leaving and as you walked away from Tanya's office you thought to yourself "I better get ready this might be interesting" you smirked at that then your face turned serious knowing at the same time that trouble is ahead waiting for you and your match with Tanya. So you better be prepare

This angered Tanya more and she used her left hand to a button on her phone that was right by her on her desk on speaker as she zipped up her skirt and called one of her assistants who was also one of her sex slaves. "Yes Mchvan." the assistant said mildely. "I want the most ruthless and cruel wrestlers in the league in my office I don't care how you do it. Just do it in whatever way to get their attention and that I mean business but I want them here now! Do you hear me now?!" Tanya said almost yelling. "Yes ma'am, right away ma'am." the assistant said in a rush state. Tanya then added " Get someone here to my office to fix the lock on my door or it will be your ass at the end of my strapon" "Yes ma'am." the assistant responded but with more fear in her voice this time. Tanya push a button to hang up her phone and put her right hand up to her cheek as she leaned back in her seat and had a little smile as she thought how she was going to break you


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          Lisa Mcvan


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