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The Video | LordXorph | 11


Ashlyn decided the only way to get out of this was to get someone else to watch the video. She felt guilty about doing it, but having to do literally everything she was told was pure hell.

She put the mysterious tape back in the VCR and rewound it. Then she wheeled her TV around so it faced her front door, and grabbed the remote control. Then she picked up her phone and dialed.

"Hello, Fredo's Pizza, this is Bianca."

"Hi!" replied Ashlyn, "Can I get a medium Supreme delivered to 54 Brunner Street?"

"Sure, your pizza should be there in half an hour."

Ashlyn hung up and waited. The 30 minutes seemed like an eternity. Ashlyn had butterflies in her stomach, kept pacing around the room and compulsively clutched the remote.

Finally the doorbell rang. Ashlyn gulped, suddenly unsure if she could bring herself to do it, but then she remembered how she'd been made to degrade herself for those lowlifes that afternoon- and made to love it- and went to the door.

She'd practiced what she was going to do over and over in her head, and it came off perfectly. In one movement she pulled the door open, ducked to allow the delivery person an unobstructed view of the TV, and hit play on the remote.

"What the..." said a girl's voice. "...ooh.. colors..."

Ashlyn remembered that she'd only had to watch the tape for a few seconds to become a slave, so she counted to ten and then hit stop. The delivery girl rubbed her eyes and said, "What's going on? I've got your pizza."

"Quiet!" Ashlyn hissed. "Come inside."

The girl stepped inside and Ashlyn closed the door. Ashlyn saw she was a pretty little thing with freckles and a blonde ponytail. Her name tag said Bianca. OK, thought Ashlyn, now to find out if I'm free. "Tell me to do something!" she demanded.

Bianca looked at her with a puzzled expression, glancing at the white deposit on Ashlyn's face, and said, "Er, take this pizza off me and pay me so I can get back to work." Ashlyn didn't make a move. She was free! Now to find out if Bianca had been enslaved. Bianca had obeyed everything until now, but that could just be coincidence.

"Put the box down on the table."
Bianca obeyed.
"Now open it, take out a slice and stick it down the front of your panties. Topping side inwards."

"What!?" demanded Bianca but, amazed at what she was doing, she did as Ashlyn had commanded. She winced because the pizza was still hot, and shuffled from one foot to the other uncomfortably.

"What the hell is going on?" she sobbed.


Now that she's free, what does Ashlyn do?

          Try to help Bianca

          Use Bianca for a noble(ish) cause


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