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Doing the Sorority | gystex | 1


Note: This story is designed for a Male character. If you have entered a female name, please go back and enter a male name instead.

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------------------------------------------------------------ DOING THE SORORITY ------------------------------------------------------------

You feel the pretty girl's thighs tense around you as your thrusting member pushes her over the edge.

"Oh God, I'm coming! I'm coming!" she squeals delightedly, her breath hot in your ear, her nails digging into your back. Naturally, you let loose as well, and after that exquisite moment of ecstacy fades, you roll off of her and rest beside her. It was a pretty energetic session, and you both need to catch your breath.

"I'll be right back," she says with a smile, and heads out of the room. You watch her tight little ass disappear through the door with a grin. She was the hottest fuck you've had since you got to college. Of course, she was also the only one since you got here, but by any standards she was good.

It's been about three months since you arrived at Lawrence University, and a better nest of fine Bettys couldn't be imagined. Still, most of them seemed a little standoffish, which served only to frustrate you for the longest time. Then you tried a move on a pretty girl in your English Lit class named Julie, and she accepted with a smile.

Since you hadn't been dating for a while, you went ahead and pulled out the stops for this one, taking Julie to a French restaurant and showing her a really good time. You sure as hell got your money's worth when she took you back to her place, the Alpha Pi Omega Sorority House as it turned out, and invited you up to her room. After a little conversation and a bottle of wine, you left to take a piss, and when you came back she had removed her clothes.

"Let's fuck," she'd said. Obviously she knew the real way to turn on a guy, despite the long, pointless articles in women's magazines.

And so, you did. And she was great.

So now, basking in the afterglow, you wonder what comes next. Your answer comes when she comes back in wearing a silk robe that comes up nice and high on her thighs. "Listen, do you mind getting your pants on and coming out to the common room real quick? I wanted to introduce you to some friends of mine."

You shrug. Why not?

So, after pulling your dockers and shirt back on, you follow her out, and get the second major shock of the evening. The entire damn house is there! At least sixty girls are in the room, crowded around and obviously waiting for you to emerge. They're wearing the kind of smiles that say "I know exactly what you just did."

"Um, hi," you say, rather lamely, but it's the best you can come up with on short notice.

", I want you to meet my friends," Julie says. "Guys, this is . So, what do you all think?"

A generally approving murmur runs through the crowd.

Julie turns to face you. "I'm going to level with you," she says, "and try not to get upset because I think you'll like where this is going. The thing is, there's a video camera in the room where we just did it, actually several, and the girls here just watched the whole thing."

A number of things come to your mind that you might say. Somehow, "Huh?" is what actually comes out.

"Now, before you freak out or anything," Julie continues, "let me tell you why we do this. See, a few years back, the Alpha Pi house president got this boyfriend, and he cheated on her with a bunch of the other girls. When it all came out, there was a lot of fighting among the members, and it almost destroyed the sorority. In the end, the only one who came out ahead was the guy.

"So, we decided on this new system, which so far has worked out really well. A few of the girls get picked to go scout out good-looking, decent guys. We go on dates with them, and if they're really cool then we take them back here and have sex with them. And the girls all watch. Now, here's the fun part: if they're good enough in bed, then we vote to make them the 'house stud'. And unless I'm misreading the reaction of the girls, you've just been elected!"

You try to speak, but nothing comes out.

"It's a really great arrangement. See, this way we have a guy that we all can share, and there's no hard feelings. Since everyone got to see your performance, we all know in advance whether you're the kind of guy we'd like or not. And it's especially great for you, because you get to fuck a whole lot of really hot girls - that's us - and pretty much get all the action you want. And it works well for us, too - we've found that since we all get laid whenever we want, there's no reason to try and steal another girl's guy, and that whole messy situation won't happen again. It's worked for ten years without a hitch - well, nothing that we couldn't fix.

"Now, before you say yes or no, let me tell you the rules. First of all, this is a totally voluntary situation. None of the girls here have to have sex with you, and you don't have to do anyone you don't want to. Some of us might have some, shall we say, special requests, and you're not obligated to fulfill them - though if we find you're turning too many of us down, we'll have to fire you.

"Second, and this is really important, you're NOT ALLOWED TO TELL ANYONE. If you do, then we dump you on the spot and do something really, really nasty to you besides. Trust me, you really don't want to know about the consequences of breaking rule two." She turns back to her housemates. "That reminds me, is Jeffy Larson still - oh, he's up for parole in five years? We'll have to call in some favors and make sure it's rejected.

"Third, you're not allowed to actually date any of us. It's a totally sexual relationship.

"Fourth, you're not allowed to have sex with anyone outside the House while you're our Stud. And you'll need to see a doctor periodically and get cleared for any and all STDs. We're all clean and we want to stay that way. Along the same lines, we take care of birth control - you won't have to worry about it.

"Fifth, every girl here has a 'panic button' in her room. If you get too rough, and won't stop, then you'll face the aforementioned consequences. That reminds me, did they ever find Rich Johnson? Just the one part? That's what I thought.

"Sixth, you need to realize you're not the only Stud in the house. You're allowed to get together and compare notes with the other guys if you want to, but if we catch any of you getting jealous, out you go. We'll introduce you to them if you want to be.

"Seventh, we have all-house parties on the second Friday of each month that you're pretty much expected to attend. You're allowed to miss two of them before we fire you.

"Finally, just to make it totally clear, you're NOT ALLOWED TO TELL ANYONE. That means now or ever, whether you say yes or not, whether we fire you eventually or not, no matter what happens. You know, that reminds me - girls, I was just wondering, how's Steve Black doing? Still can't walk or feed himself, hm? Oh well, that's what they train those little monkeys for.

"So, now that that's out of the way, let me ask the girls - Do we want as our newest House Stud?"

At least fifty out of the sixty girls raise their hands.

"Anyone got a reason why he shouldn't be?"

No one says anything.

"Okay, then -" Julie turns to you. "It's up to you. We want you. How do you feel about it?"


What's your answer?

          YES! And the initiation begins...

          YES! Prepare to meet your first girl...

          MAYBE... you're not sure

          NO! Get me out of here...



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