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Suspicious Mind | homebrewer | 2


The following morning, having not slept since Liz's return, I decided not to confront Liz with my suspicions. I had to know the truth, but playing it slow and steady would achieve better results. And, more likely than not, it was just my suspicious little mind imagining the worst.

"You got in late last night," I said, as I brought her a morning cup of tea. "Good job I went straight back to sleep as soon as you got into bed," I lied.

"Yeah, sorry hon. I ended up at a night club. I know I'm a little old for that sort of thing, but it was Alexis's birthday. It was fun."

"Should we have a quiet night in tonight?" I asked, "Get a DVD, open a bottle of wine?"

"That would be lovely." She paused. "Oh, you know what? I promised Alexis I'd baby sit whilst she and her sister celebrate Alexis's birthday. Jane couldn't make it last night. I said I could get over by seven. You don't mind, do you? I might even make it up to you." Liz reached out a stroked her hand over my boxers, giving my penis a little squeeze.

"What time would you be back?"

"It depends on how good a time Alexis has with Jane. Anywhere between eleven and one, I should think. Is that okay?"

I nodded my assent, though my suspicions were definitely aroused. Liz had never babysat for Alexis before. And why celebrate a 32nd birthday twice? I had the rest of the day to formulate a plan for that evening.


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