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A Warm Inviting Winter Cabin | Rocketman5000 | 1


had been working extremely hard on an advertising campaign that the boss insisted be finished immediately. It was very hard work and the boss was quite demanding. Finally, after three long weeks, it was done! (Of course, not a word of thanks!) wondered what to do to celebrate. At least it was a three-day weekend. Go out with friends to a bar? No, too noisy. Besides, didn't feel like being around a lot of people. The cabin? Yeah, thought. I haven't been there in months. I need to relax and unwind and there's no better place to get away from it all. There won't be a soul in sight!

Saturday morning, excitingly got up and started to pack. Plenty of food, three days of warm clothes, blankets, a couple of novels--that should do it. began the journey to the cabin. This was going to be great--three days of peace and quiet! It was a long drive (about 3 hours) to the area and then a good mile-long walk up the hill to the cabin. There was more snow than usual and it took considerable effort. unlocked the door and turned on the lights. No surprises--that's good--everything pretty much the way I left it. This is going to be just what the doctor ordered! I'll totally forget work for a few days and get recharged.

went outside, cut some wood and returned to the cabin to build a nice roaring fire. After reading for a while in 's favorite chair, ate lunch and then fell asleep. After quite some time, awoke to the sound of voices outside. Wow! I must have been asleep for hours. It was dark. I wonder who that could be at this hour? And at this remote place?

Is it:

A couple of forest rangers (male and female)?
A married couple stranded on the road below?
Two sisters with a cabin nearby coming to say hi?
Two backpackers (both males)
Your boss and his wife?
Your boss and her husband?
A truckload of women from the town?
A truckload of men from the town?

(Don't worry...the four unchosen scenarios will appear later on Day 2 of the retreat in each of the selections below...)


Who is at the door?

          A hunk and a babe

          Two neighborly sisters

          A truckload of women!

          An innocent married couple stranded below


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