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Comforting the Roommate | Cretan_bull14 | 11


“It’s not easy to explain. In fact, it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to us.” You try to explain, but your two friends are too stoned to understand where you are going with this.

“Dude man; just tell her you love her. No matter what you did, it’ll work. She’ll take you back.” Dirk says with an air of confidence that isn’t drug induced. He tends to be blunt when he’s, well, smoking a blunt. “It works for me every time I fuck up with Alicia.”

If you didn’t just find out about knocking up, you’d be shocked about Dirk and Alicia. You just lower your head as Scott hands you a controller.

“Thanks for your help guys, but it’s over between us.” You say through your tears.

“, there was nothing between you guys man. It can’t be over if it never started.” Scott says as he takes a hit.

“No, the friendship is over. I made the ultimate fuck up today. Actually, it happened three weeks ago, but the repercussions are just occurring now. And it’s cost me the only person I’ve ever loved.” You fall onto your back and lay on the floor.

“Dude, now your talking like you left a bun in her oven!!! What the hell happened between you?” Dirk asks. You stare at him in a way that lets him know he just hit the nail right on the head.

“HOLY BONG WATER!!! Dude, you’re fuckin’ kidding right? You turned into a preggo?” Scott chimes in.

“Dude, not cool!!! ain’t one of those loose women. She’s our friend and ’s soul mate. A preggo, she’ll never be!!!” Dirk comes to her defense.

“Yeah, I got her pregnant. It happened the night she broke up with Keith. We ordered a pizza and got drunk. The next morning, we woke up in bed together. Things got confusing, and she’s completely ignored me for the last three weeks. I just found out that she’s pregnant. And she just found out that I was planning on transferring.” You inform them.

“Dude, I’d never thought you’d be the type of guy to give a girl the ol’e hit and run man. That’s just harsh!!!” Dirk says.

“Harsh doesn’t even cover it. is the victim of this senseless crime. You better hope that Alicia doesn’t find out. You ass’ll be grass and she’ll be a…a…a serious pot smoker dude.” Scott concludes. “I think this vile offender needs to be gone from our domicile before it turns into a crime scene.”

“Guys, it’s not like that. I want to take care of her and the baby. It’s just that everything is such a mess now. I did something stupid that’s put her in a position that’s ruined her life, and I don’t know how to make it right.” You say.

“Dude, no man ever knows how to make things right with his lady friend. But the smart man tries until she takes him back or he draws his last breath. So it shall go for you my friend.” Dirk says as he shows you the door. His logic is impeccable. The amazing thing is that he’s only like this when he’s stoned.


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