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Living Like Bonobos | rhetorical | 5


"What are you doing, John?" Jillian asked John --- professionally, breathily, but also with a hint of judgment.

John flushed all over. He was used to the intense, almost angst-filled sex of his college dorm-tribe. There, his dorm sisters had loved for the boys to play at taking possession of them as much as the women claimed the boys. But Jillian wasn't one of his dorm-sisters. Grasping her butt wasn't anything terribly risque, but it definitely wasn't behavior expected of a male.

John walked a fine line, not lying but not telling all the truth. "I like to grasp the women I romp with sometimes. I like to hold them tight." he replied, huskily.

Jillian's eyes took a strangely calculating look. "Do you want to come inside of me, John?"
John's cock twitched against Jillian's abdomen. "Yes, Jillian!"
Jillian's eyes smiled slightly. "Then *take* me."

John was stunned for a moment. This was the way that his dorm-sisters had spoken to him! He wondered for half a second before sitting up and gently lifting Jillian's light frame and pulling her body closer to him. Jillian moaned as he pushed upwards with his erect manhood into her pussy.

"Mmmm... very good, John. Oh!" exclaimed Jillian. "While we rut, I'll tell you a bit of the kind of person we're looking for at TCD. Please play with my breasts, though, they need some stimulation. Unh."

She prattled a little bit of the standard corporate-style propaganda, but soon got to something important. "John, we contacted you because your teachers are very impressed with your skill. You, and a few other men, have managed to channel the focus you usually bring to pleasing your mistresses to technical problems. Unh. Big Pink is willing to give you a chance, oooh, to exercise your talents. But we contacted you in particular because of your dorm-sisters."

John felt his skin go cold. "What --- what do you mean?"

Jillian looked at him with that calculating, professional look, as she took over the humping when John froze. "Your dorm had a reputation John. Your dorm-brothers were the brightest in your college: we've interviewed all of them too. We're being very careful, though, because it also had a reputation for anarchy and the insolence of the men."

"We talked to your dorm-sisters. They were all very coy, but they indicated that you in particular managed to maintain some measure of structure in your life." As Jillian said this, he wondered very much what sort of structure his dorm-sisters had told Jillian about: their tongues were known to wag in more than one way. "We feel that you might be ideally suited for the challenging position we would like to put you in,"

John felt a different sort of shock thrill through his system. "What do you mean?"

Jillian smiled at him. "John, if we decide we like you, you're going to be the first man to write computer code for Big Pink. You will have to follow Klaire's direction, and will be interfacing with her regularly, giving her your assistance, technical opinions, and your eager boy-cock," Jillian teased, squeezing from within. John moaned, and began thrusting up into Jillian again.

"Klaire is very demanding of her subordinates, professionally and sexually, and you can expect her to run you ragged. But you will also be in a position of authority over women, technical writers and secretaries, who will need your direction. You may have to be firm with them to make sure that you can accomplish your projects. And due to the stress of your job, you will have to carefully navigate the office politics that will arise from rutting with them to relax." Jillian stopped speaking for a moment to catch her breath as she continued to hump John's erect penis.

"We want to know if you will be able to balance what to most men would be an impossible situation," Jillian said, panting, looking deep into John's eyes.

John's blood raced. This was a totally unexpected turn of events. He didn't know whether to dread it or relish it. But he knew his answer as he thrust hard into Jillian's moist depths. "Yes. I can do it."

Jillian's eyes shone. "Lift me up, John. Lay down on top of me," she said. John lifted her bird-like frame, as she wrapped her legs around his torso. He laid her down on the couch, and pinned her pelvis down with his own.

"Oooh! Nuzzle at my breasts, John. Show me how a good boy takes instruction," she moaned huskily.


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