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Living Like Bonobos | rhetorical | 3


John had shown special talent as a boy: his mother caught him reading his older sister's math text book, and doing the exercises. Luckily for him, his mother was very forward looking, and indulged him, getting him tutors to encourage his interest by teaching him whatever subjects he was interested in.

It had been an excellent opportunity to build strong relationships between her family and the more prestigious and academically established house-mothers. Many of them had beautiful, fertile daughters in their twenties who were too caught up in their studies to pay much attention to boys. Even the less socially liberal lady professors had often been happy for the chance to send their daughters to tutor a boy: if they though it foolish to try to teach science and mathematics to a boy, none of them complained when their daughters became pregnant after a few months of regular, day-long teaching sessions.

John felt no bitterness towards those more priggish matrons, and his heart (and his puppycock) had filled with pride to thusly serve his mother's house in exchange for the gift of knowledge. He still acted as an important liaison to those house-holds: he had won the hearts of more than one instructor with his relentless questioning, enthusiasm, and ardour.

By the time he was seventeen, he was known locally as a sort of bizarrely developed savant, a specialist stud. It was at that time that his mother had discovered a special, and very experimental, mixed-gender college, funded by a few rich and similarly forward looking mothers of gifted boys. It had been truly strange, at first, but it had been exciting to meet and talk with other boys about technical subjects.

Very few of the girls took the boys seriously, and just used them for sex. A few boys, who had only gotten in on the sleaze and tributes (social submission --- scandal!) of their socially-climbing mothers and who probably missed their sisters more than anything, consented to have sex with these girls. But John and some of his more ambitious boyfriends looked to form higher quality relationships, quickly felt out the more intelligent (and as it turned out, radically open-minded girls), and formed a small household of their own in a shared dorm room.

Away from their mothers, those girls had gotten hold of some really crazy political and social ideas. Democracy! Gender equality! Romance! As a result, life in the 'Radical Roost' as it came to be known was in a perpetual state of anarchy. There was no dorm mother! Girls doing favours for boys! It was society upside-down. But John had made one particularly special, shameful, relationship with a girl named Gwenn.

Gwenn was his "secret sister", though it was a very poorly hidden secret in the Roost. She had been really big on 'romance', and had done things for him he would admit to his mother only on pain of exile. The more tame stuff, such as anal sex, was not unheard of: but wearing perfume, bringing flowers, and making him give her his semen by pulling his playpole were outside the accepted norms of society. Gwenn went beyond even these, to such depravity as stripteases and fellatio.

Not long before they finished school, Gwenn had tried to steal John from his mother --- tried to get him to run away with her to start a partnership of two equals. Gwenn had perverted him so thoroughly that he loved her almost as much as his mother; but could not bring shame on his family. She had cried, which scared John very badly; and she wouldn't take comfort sex, which scared him even more. But the worst was that they had an argument about it, and John's anger and frustration frightened him out of his wits. He had run crying and yelling. It had been the worst night of his life. All of the loving, free-spirited girls of their dorm wanted to have sex with him to make him happier, tormenting him with the egalitarian and romantic motives that had ruined his relationship with Gwenn; at the same time, his own reluctance for comfort sex felt like a twist of the knife in his gut.

The night had ended when their friends had forced them to yell and cry at each other, and ended up having some very passionate and cathartic make-up sex. But John insisted from then on to keep their relationship Platonic from that point on, keeping their sex free of any 'romance'. Fortunately for him, his reputation as a wilful boy never spread beyond their dorm (which would have ruined his reputation), and in fact it delightfully excited some of his dorm-sisters. John had taken some guilty pleasure from making those perverted few of his 'sisters' wet now and then by firmly pushing them for sex, rather than by simply fondling and fingering them, those times that they looked like they needed sex the most. But it made him feel bad talking down to women, though, and when he left school, he resolved not to be such a shameless pimp in the future.

His college days were totally crazy, and he remembered them fondly, but was glad now to have a chance to get into the workforce to advance the fortunes of his family. Society was slowly changing: with some luck, he would be one of the first men to work for the industrial giant, Transtribal Computing Devices, as...


What is it that young John is good at? (Besides sex of course.)

          a computer programmer


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