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Comforting the Roommate | Cretan_Bull14 | 9


Your eyes are barely open. You can tell you are in the hospital though. The last thing you remember is your grandfather telling you to take care of . You don’t know if anyone is there with you as you can’t quite see at a distance yet. The room is filled with sound, most of which is inaudible. For some reason, you can’t move. Your whole body feels like it weighs a thousand pounds.

“Hello?” You barely whisper. You don’t have the energy to speak at volume just yet, so whispers and slight groans have to suffice. The sounds that have bombarded your ears begin to settle.

“Hello?” You say again. The noises continue to fade away. You can hear the beeps and buzzes of the machines you are hooked up to. There appear to be some voices to your left. Your vision is also starting to clear now. You can make out some figures standing to your left. They are surrounding what appears to be someone in a chair. They cannot hear you yet, so you try again.

“HELLO?” You half shout this time, despite the fact that it makes your whole body writhe in pain.

“Oh my god, he’s awake!!! Oh my sweet boy! I’m so glad you’re awake!!!” You hear your mother say, which means your father is somewhere nearby. But who are the others?

“Where’s ?” You ask, once again in a barely audible voice.

“I’m right here !!!” She says from the chair. Your vision continues to clear, and you can just make out her face. “I’m right here.” She tries to get up, but collapses back into the chair.

“She’s been here since you were brought out of the ICU. She hasn’t left your side in three days. Nobody could get her to leave. When hospital security tried to force her out she warned them that you were the last guy who tried to mess with her, and look what happened. They haven’t bothered her since.” Alicia says. She has been crying. Your vision has returned, although your eyes are in pain from not being opened in three days, so you can only take short glimpses before you have to shut them again.

“, I’m so sorry I did this…” tires to speak, but tears overcome her. You take a quick look at her. She looks horrible. Her hair is all matted, and she is still wearing the same clothes she had on when she came home the other night.

“Don’t worry about it.” You tell her which causes her to wail.

“She’s so upset about what happened that she hasn’t eaten, slept or moved. She’s too weak to even get up.” Your father tells you.

“Hey girl, how are you gonna take care of me when I get out of here, if someone’s gotta take care of you?” You half whisper, half giggle. You feel a bit stronger and can talk with more volume now. “Someone take her back to the apartment so she can clean herself up and get something to eat.”

“I’m not leaving here without you!!!” She informs you.

“Well then, someone go sign me out, so both of us don’t end up in here!!!” You tell everyone else.

“Okay now people, I think it’s time we let the young man rest.” The doctor comes in and interrupts everything. He takes one look at sitting in her chair. Her condition alarms him. “Someone needs to get this young lady to eat something before I have the orderlies force feed her and move her up to the psych ward. Once she’s eaten, she needs to go home, shower and change her clothes. I don’t care if she is in love with this young man. I cannot have someone this filthy in my ward. She’ll infect his wounds.”

“There, that settles it!” You say. The doctor gives you a pill as your father scoops up and takes her out of the room. Your mother and Alicia follow him out, leaving Dirk and Scott with you.

“Boys, don’t touch anything!!!” Alicia warns them before she turns the corner.

“Dude man!!!” Scott speaks up. “You’re going to have some pretty wicked scars to show the ladies in a few months.”

“How bad am I hurt?” You ask the doctor.

“Don’t worry about that now son. We’re taking good care of you. You just rest up!!!”

You turn your head to the window as the doctor leaves the room. Scott and Dirk try to talk to you, but the pill the doctor gave you is slowly starting to take effect. Before you drift off to sleep again, you see them playing with some of the equipment that is sitting in the corner of the room. They are pretending to zap each other with a defibrillator. Just before your eyes close again, your father comes back into the room. He says something to your buddies and they head out. The last thing you see is your dad wheeling a chair over to the bed and taking your hand.


Where do you wake up?

          Still in the Hospital

          Back in your room

          In your bed


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