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Comforting the Roommate | Cretan_Bull14 | 8


As you slowly come to, you can tell that you are in the university hospital. The white paint and the musty smell of old people is a dead give away. You are not in a lot of pain, but that is due to the morphine drip you are hooked up to. You slowly you’re your eyes to see who is with you. You can see two shadows playing with what appears to be a defibrillator. They’re definitely not doctors, so you deduce that Dirk and Scott are there. There also appears to be a woman sitting in a chair by your bed. You call out to her.

“!!!” You mumble.

“No sweetie, it’s Alicia. ’s…uh…not here.” She says nervously.

“Where is she?” You ask.

“She got totally busted dude!!!” Scott chimes in. Although you can’t see it happen, you can here a loud crack and some weird noise coming from Scott.

“You dumbass!!! We didn’t want him knowing that yet!” Alicia grumbles at him. “Fucking blaze-head!”

“What happened?” You ask her.

“We were hoping you could tell us that son.” You heard coming from a deep, unknown male voice. Cop, you thought to yourself.

“We couldn’t get a straight story from the young lady we arrested at the scene, but it appears, she assaulted you in a rage and slammed you through a glass table. You were in pretty bad shape but luckily for you your neighbors heard the crash and busted through the door. Miss Walters here probably saved your life tonight. Can you identify your attacker son?” Although you were unconscious at the time, you are grateful that Alicia was in Pre-med, and knew what to do.

“She’s not my attacker. I’m not pressing any charges against her. It was my fault this happened.” You tell the officer. You go on to tell everyone how came home upset, and how your attempts at comforting her led to your present state.

“Dispatch, this is 2-7 sergeant at the university hospital. Release the half-naked red-head we brought in eight hours ago. The vick is not pressing charges. Take her back to her apartment in a squad car. We don’t need one of those alley bums raping her.” The officer says into his radio.

“Can someone go pick her up?” You ask your friends. Dirk starts walking to the door, but the cop stops him.

“That’s probably not a good idea people. We’ve had hundreds of cases like this, where the suspect is brought to the hospital after the victim drops the charges and only ends up trying to finish the job.” He firmly states.
“Just go get her please!!!” You rebuff him.

You nod off to sleep again for what seems like forever. When you wake again, there is a presence that seems to make everything go away. It is completely soothing. It is… . She is standing in the doorway. Apparently, she just arrived. Her eyeliner is running down her cheeks and her eyes are completely bloodshot. She looks terrible. She probably feels worse than she looks.

“Hey!” You half-whisper to her. She is overcome with joy. She runs over to you and almost dives into the hospital gurney with you, but Alicia stops her.

“Easy girl. I know you’re happy to see him, but you gotta take it slow. Although he can’t feel it, he’s in a lot of pain. We don’t want to make things worse for him.” Alicia says as she lets her go.

“ I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do this to you. You must totally hate me.” She says as she starts crying again. You lift her chin and wipe her tears away. This is the first time since you woke up that you see the damage. There is a huge bandage wrapped around your right arm. You look at the rest of you and you can see bandages around your left leg and both feet.

“DUDE MAN!!! You had a fourteen inch piece of glass sticking through your arm. The doc said it almost cut the main artery.” Dirk stated. His comment is promptly followed by a smack from Alicia.

“Okay folks.” The doctor steps into the room. “Young man, I’m afraid you are discharged. All your wounds are stitched up, and the bleeding has long since stopped. We’re going to need to see you in a few days to check your progress. You may need to have physical therapy. You are also going to need someone to change the bandages for you, at least once a day.”

“I’ll do that. Alicia can show me how.” says. You smile. The woman of your dreams has offered to take care of you for as long as necessary.

“Good, we need to get this man dressed, into a wheel-chair and out to his car. I’m sure he wants to go home and rest. Here is his prescription for the pain.”

In a few moments, you are in Scott’s car on your way back to your room. You sit in the back seat with Alicia and . She has her arms wrapped around you and her head on your shoulder. Although she is not making any noise, you can feel her tears dripping onto your shoulder. Although the morphine has worn off, you don’t feel any pain.


How do things progress?

          You awake in the night


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