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Cathy's Night Out | fiestyfeast | 5


I drive away. A real and strange insanity had come over me, logic and science seemed to consume me rather than emotion, but really, truly, what overcame me was an insanity. As logic driven as it may have been, the first thing I did, rather than return home, was to drive to an electronics and specialty store. What I bought was a spy-camera, one to which I could directly link with a wireless downloader. Then, I drove home.

I act as normal as I could to my wife, though maybe slightly detached when she returns home late, very late in the night. She falls asleep almost immediately, exhausted I'm sure from her workout with that bastard. After she has already been snoring steadily for several minutes, I creep out of bed and get into my car. I drive upon the insanely memorized course to the apartment where I'd seen my wife the day before.

I assemble some tools from the trunk of my car and manage to open the man's apartment window with some stealth, the glass entirely undisturbed. With catlike footsteps, lift myself through the window into a bathroom and creep through the open door into the hallway. I creep into a bedroom, where I spot a young muscular man sleeping nude atop his bed sheets, face down in the pillow. His muscles are far more defined and rippling than mine, I notice with a brief glance before wildly searching the room for a place to hide the spy-cam where it can get a good view of any action that might take place on the bed. After finding a suitable location, I place the cam and activate it. I creep back out, insane but unnoticed, and shut the window how I found it.

I return home to find my wife, still sleeping deeply and snoring softly. I strip off my clothes and return to my place beside her on the bed. I close my eyes and sleep, awaiting a time when I can see some footage of my wife cheating on me, so I can know more surely than I already should by this point.


Does wifey slip off again to visit the apartmenteer?


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