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Comforting the Roommate | Cretan_Bull14 | 7


As you continue to lay there on the couch with , the discomfort you first felt quickly vanishes. Even though she is half naked and only inches from you, there is not even the slightest bit of awkwardness. It as if you had been cuddling with her for years. However, as the movie continues to play, you slowly begin to get lost in the moment and it isn’t long until you have completely forgotten who you are cuddling with. After all, it was only just a few short weeks ago that you were cuddling like this with Gia.

About an hour into the film, you make a huge mental error. The comfort level that has built up since the start of the movie is all but shattered when you reach down and kiss on her neck.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” shouts. Her anger snaps you back to reality in a heartbeat. She pushes you away from her and in a flash, she is up off the couch and glaring at you with disgust.

“, I’m sorry. It was an accident.” You say, but she isn’t buying it.

“Bullshit. What was your plan? Get me comfortable on the couch, and try to score while I’m half-naked and vulnerable?” She barks as you sit up. “You are such a prick.”

“I’m sorry. It just happened. I spaced out, forgot who I was with and it happened. Please don’t be mad at me .” You plead with her, but it is a losing battle. She turns to head towards her bed and you follow her.

“NO!!!” She stops you. “You don’t sleep here tonight! I can’t trust you. I’m staying here; you go bunk with your buddies down the hall!” She is pointing to the door.

“, it’s late. They’re already asleep.” You inform her.

“Well then, your car is on the street. Take a blanket with you. Go anywhere you want, but GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!!!” She screams at you. You feel crushed. It was an honest mistake. If it had occurred on any other night, she would have ignored it or teased the hell out of you for it. But it happened tonight and hates you for it.

“, can we please talk abo…” That is all you manage to say as lashes out at you. She connects with a right hook that catches you square in the face. It knocks you for a loop and you lose your balance. As you fall, you see ’s face go blank in horror as you crash through the glass coffee table.

shrieks as she rushes to your side. Her screams cause you to regain your focus. You roll over onto your side, and that’s when you notice it. Blood. Your right hand took the brunt of the impact and is all cut up. There is glass everywhere and you are sure that you bleeding from other places as well. But that’s not what you are thinking about.

“ get back. There is glass everywhere. Go call 911 and put some clothes on.”

“I’m sorry!!! I’m sorry!!!” She shouts. That is all she is saying. She is in a state of shook caused by your present condition, and doubled by the fact that she is the reason you are hurt.

Within moments, the front door bursts open. Your neighbors Scott, Dirk and Alicia come pouring into the room with the landlord. About a minute later, campus security enters as well.

“What the hell happened in here?” The landlord asks. Dirk and Scott are checking out . Alicia grabs a blanket and covers her then turns towards you.

“ can you hear me? Would one of you assholes go call 911!!! is hurt badly!” Dirk grabs you cell phone and starts screaming at the operator.

has become hysterical, and the landlord is not helping. All he seems to care about is the blood on the carpet. Alicia looks up and points to him and the door. One of the guards takes him out. The other guard takes over to the bed and tries to calm her down.

“Is okay? She didn’t have any shoes on and was walking on the glass.” You ask Alicia, who smiles at your concern. Although she never said anything to , she knew you had feelings for her.

“She’s fine, but it’s you we’re all worried about. You’re cut up pretty bad.” Alicia’s response soothed the pain a little bit.

“The ambulance is on its way. It should be here in about five minutes.” Dirk shouted. Those were the last words you remember hearing.


Where do you wake up?

          The hospital

          Somewhere familiar

          Somewhere Unfamiliar


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