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The Choices We Make | daciasdesire | 14


You have to think of the best way to explain what's going on with you and Rebecca as your not entirely sure yourself. "It's bit of a strange story. Rebecca and I have lived next door to each other since we were both very little. We have always been best friends and yet..." you trail trying to think of how to put it.
"Let me guess. She grows up and begins to mature. You start to develop feelings for her but you're sure she wouldn't be in the slightest bit interested in you. Turns out she's felt the exact same way about you and neither of you have had the guts to tell each other so you've spent the last couple of years beating around the bush and got no where," Eve says with a fair off look in her eye.
You are absolutely stunned. She has just summed up the last four years of you life perfectly. "How could you have possibly known all this?" you ask.
"The exact same thing happened with me a few years back. Tell me, what did it feel like to finally have kissed the one you have loved all this time."

You think back to the moment when you kissed Rebecca for the very first time. Standing outside the school hall having just finally got the truth about how she has been feeling about you. The way your heart expanded and missed a beat all at once hearing that Becky wanted you as much as you wanted her. You can still imagine the way Rebecca's lips closed against yours as you kissed for the very first time. Your eyes shut and yet you could feel with your entire body how she felt so close to you. Then when you opened your eyes how Rebecca seemed to glow in a light you had never seen before. The way her hair sparkled and she seemed to have never looked more beautiful than any moment you could remember before.

"Magic is the only word I can think to describe it," you tell Eve
"I know," she says nodding her head in agreement with you. "I could tell from the moment that you two walked in together that you had this chemistry between you. A sort of electricity that made everyone else in the room just disappear."
You feel yourself begin to blush at the way Eve is describing everything to you but you know its all true.
"I saw the two of you underneath the table also," she says with a smirk.
You eyes go wide with alarm at having been caught doing what you thought was hidden well enough.
"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure I was the only one to have noticed," Eve says laughing at you. "I'm going to head off to bed now and leave you two lovebirds alone. I'll wake you both in the morning for some breakfast. My flat mate Christy usually sleeps in most mornings so you should be able to get plenty of rest and hopefully your headaches wont be too bad in the morning."
"Good-night. Thanks so much for letting us sleep here."

Christy smiles and head of to her room for some sleep. You gather the sheets and blankets she prepared for you earlier and lay them out on the floor in front of the couch Rebecca is sleeping on. You drift off to sleep thinking of what a great night it's been.


What does the new day bring?


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