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Buffy: The Sexy Slayer | No one important | 21


Buffy hurried along to her destination and remembered how she‘d had gotten started on this career path. It had started when her hours at the Double-Meat Palace had been cut. Buffy was desperate for money as the bills continued to pile up and she crossed a line. She didn’t know the guy’s name and she could barely remember what his face looked like. What she did remember was the handful of cash desperately clutched in her hand as she was bent over a dirty trash can in a back alley and fucked over and over again.

And that Anya had found her just as the guy came across her back.

Anya surprised her by apparently not caring that she had just sold her body but rather how she had done it. Constant critiques about where she’d done it, how much money she’d gotten, even if she’d pleased the guy enough so he’d make a return visit quickly wore Buffy down. Before she knew it once or twice a week Anya would call her and she’d be expected to drop everything and go on a ‘date’ with who ever the former vengeance demon wanted.

‘Well this will be the last time.’ Buffy thought as she reached the apartment Anya had set up for her. ‘I’ll just tell her to stop setting these meetings up and let things go back to normal.’

“You’re late. Hurry up and get changed.” Anya said as Buffy came thru the door.

Buffy frowned at Anya’s orders. “Anya we need to talk.”

Anya seemed to roll her eyes and started to toy with a red jewel that hung around her neck. “What about Buffy?”

“It’s about these meetings.” Buffy said as the jewel Anya played with drew her eyes. “I just don’t think... that it’s a... good idea... any...”

Anya listened to Buffy trail off with a smirk and studied the Slayer’s blank expression for a minute. She walked up and whispered something in Buffy’s ear and then returned to where she stood before. A moment later Buffy blinked her eyes and smiled brightly.

“So thanks again Anya. If you weren’t here to take appointments and manage the money I don’t know what I’d do.” Buffy said happily.

“That no problem Buffy. Now you need to get changed. Your next client will be here in 15 minutes and I can’t have you getting a bad reputation for being an unprepared prostitute.”

Buffy chuckled softly as she headed into the next room. “Come on Anya. You know I like to be called a whore.”


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