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Buffy: The Sexy Slayer | No one important | 20


“Well let’s see,” Willow said as she placed a hand over Dawn’s eyes and concentrated. A soft glow seemed to emanate from her hand and after a moment she sighed in frustration.

“What’s wrong?” Tara asked as she watched Willow climb off the tied up brunette and removed her enchanted strap-on.

“The little brat’s mind stalled again. She keeps fixating on the cum shots and forgetting all the lesbian scenes.” Willow said with annoyance as she started to collect magical ingredients. “If we want her to like pussy as much as Buffy does we’ll have to redo the spell.”

Tara pouted as she gently pushed Buffy away and helped Willow with the preparations. Buffy stayed on her knees and stared lustfully at Tara’s form as she walked across the room.

“Please Mistress!” Buffy begged as she started to thrust fingers into her own pussy. “Your pussy is so good. Let me lick it some more.”

Willow and Tara shared a look of amusement before Willow turned to Buffy, “Buffy the party time is over.”

Buffy froze as she blinked a few times and then just stood up and left the room. She headed to the bathroom and immediately stepped into the shower. Fifteen minutes later all traces of the morning’s activities were washed away and Buffy stood in front the bathroom mirror drying her hair.

‘Oh yeah, hypnotizing those two was the best thing I ever did.’ Buffy thought as she headed back to her own room completely naked. ‘If they weren’t here to treat me like a slut I’d probably be climbing the walls by now.’

Inside her room Buffy started to look for what clothes she was going to wear for the day when she heard an odd noise coming from her nightstand. In the top drawer she found a simple beeper that she’d never seen before and a number she didn’t recognize displayed. Despite the two unknowns she still picked up her phone and dialled the number.

“Slaying for money.” A voice said immediately as the call was picked up.

Buffy again froze and blinked a few times before she replied, “I’m on my way.”

Buffy hung up the phone and headed to her closet. She pulled on only a simple sweatshirt and pair of sweatpants knowing that everything she’d need would be there when she arrived. As she left her room she paused outside of Dawn’s room when she heard a soft moan.

‘Is Dawn having a naughty dream?’ Buffy thought with a smirk as continued to head out of the house. ‘I’ll have to tease her about it later but I can’t be late.’


Where is Buffy headed?

          Buffy's other job.


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