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Restless Sleep | sindermann | 2


The music was, as always, a mixture of guitar riffs and high pitched screams of anguish. There were perhaps 30 people at the party, and Dani was sitting on the old, plaid patterned couch picking a piece of exposed yellowing foam. Cynthia sat on the opposite end, diligently rolling up a joint.
Dani took a drink of the Vodka and Pomegranite juice and thought of the Greek Goddess Persephone, who was kidnapped and raped by the King of the Underworld, and had to stay with him just because she ate some pomegranite seeds.
She thought about strong, dark hands grabbing pale flesh, and a man so taken with Persephone's beauty that he was willing to risk war with the king of the gods himself to have her...
Perhaps it was the booze, perhaps the heat, but whatever it was, she was getting very warm all of the sudden. She almost unconsciously unzipped her Angels and Airwaves black hoodie from the collarbone to mid cleavage, and glanced over at Cynthia; who was licking her ringed tongue across the length of the joint.
"There..." Cynthia said with a gleam in her eye. She slid the joint into her mouth, and lit the end. The sweet smell of burning pot wafted across Dani's nose. The smell attracted others.
Two guys, the party hosts, sat down between Dani and Cynthia. Greg and Patrick. They were college kids and roommates. Rumor was that they were gay, but no one knew for sure. All anyone knew was that they always had booze, smoke, and good music at their place on the weekends. Carl took a big hit off of the joint, and passed it to Patrick. Dani got up. She didn't smoke pot, and thought that is was a waste of money.
"What's up with her, anyway?" Greg asked Cynthia.
"Dani? She's a spoiled little brat that's sad that Daddy didn't buy her a pony or something, so she cuts herself." she replied with a giggle. Greg put his arm around Cynthia, and put the joint into her mouth.
"Oh yeah? " he said, running his finger along Cynthia's collar bone. She smiled a bit at the touch.
"Yeah. She's the classic "Oh, wo is me, I have everything but I'm not happy" rich girl. Makes me sick." she said as she took another drag.
Patrick smirked. "Well, I think I have an idea then."


What is his idea?

          They get her drunk


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