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Island of Eroticism | amon_baal | 5


Watching the waves get closer you decide that you have no choice but to hurry into the cave. By this time your eyes have adjusted and you can see several meters in front of you. There seems to be roots hanging from the ceiling of the cave, they must be chasing the water that comes in here, you think to yourself. As you head deeper into the cave you notice that the rasping sound is no longer deep in the cave and is instead above you, you must have passed under some kind or vent that heads up to the surface.
Not pausing to think on this you continue deeper into the cave brushing the roots away that get in your road. After a few minutes of this you start to slow down believing that you have moved far enough in. you try to find a place to sit down in the darkness and in the process you knock a slimy root out of your way it was at that moment that you hear the rasping sound again and then you feel something large fall on top of you. You land hard on your back and have the wind knocked from you, looking down at what is on top of you, you see a strange creature that looks almost like a slug. It has no eyes and drips a salty smelling slime. Down it’s sides there are long tentacles that look like roots and you realize that this must be how it finds prey.

Struggling to get up you notice that your legs are failing to function and you feel a cool sensation as the slime covers your lower torso, every place the slime touches quickly ceases to function and you begin to panic as you become aware of the fact that you cannot escape. As the creature works it’s way up your body you notice that your jeans are dissolving and you can feel the creatures slimy underbelly slide upwards slowly.
The slime does not seem to be burning so your only thought is that it must not effect skin and just effects the cotton or maybe only natural dead materials. As the creature covers your stomach you prepare to scream hoping to scare it off, but as it gets close enough and you let out your pent up breath you realize your folly, your lungs are no longer working properly because of the slime and your breathing becomes shallow.

Only your head remains visible now as the creature starts to gyrate and wobble like jelly. You are unsure of what is going on but know that you will find out shortly. By now your shirt and pants are gone and only your panties remain on your body as they are synthetic. But this comfort is small as you watch a long tendril stretch from under the creatures mouth, it drips with slime and is quite large, at the same time you feel a pressure on your crotch. The tendril at your head slowly rubs against your lips and you feel your jaw go slack, slowly you watch as this creatures member enters your mouth, while this is happening you feel some of the root like tendrils searching between your legs, they grasp at your panties and, had you been able to you would have screamed, as they snapped under the strain. You feel a second of this creatures ‘cocks’ trust into your pussy with the same agonizing slowness.
Strangely the two cocks are quite filling and you feel a sense of satisfaction as they start to move back and forth. The one in your mouth is now in your throat and the one in your pussy reaches deep, deeper then you have ever felt a cock before. However this creature does not seem to have any stamina as it quickly starts to cum, you feel the one in your throat work it’s way out coating your throat and mouth with it’s cum before pulling from your mouth and spraying your face and neck. The taste is actually quite pleasant, somewhere between salted calamari and seaweed, also you notice that you can use your mouth again and you quickly snap it closed. This first cock continues to spew cum forth and it coats your torso and stomach, so you get ready to scream to scare it off but as you take a breath in you feel it erupt in your pussy and instead you scream in pleasure as an orgasm racks your body.

Just as quickly as it dropped on you it leaves, using it’s longs root like tendrils to pick itself back up to the roof, all the while cumming over you. Thankfully though it means you have the use of your legs back, you notice that the water is still approaching and you quickly get up and head further into the cave. You don’t know what is to come and quite frankly you don’t want to know.


What is further into the cave.


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