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Tharros | moonblack | 5


After considering all of her options Seleste decided that sneaking inside through the windows was the better (or at least safer) option. She made sure there was no one close by, and then quickly climbed the side of the building. It proved to be even easier than she had expected, and in record time she was inside one of the rooms on the second floor. The moonlight coming in through the window illuminated the room and allowed her to have a good look around. That’s when Seleste got her first surprise for the night.

The room was NOT empty. There was a naked girl sleeping in the large bed, and Seleste was pretty sure that it was one of the Queen’s daughters!

‘Damn it! Of all the rooms I had to pick one that’s in use!’ If one of the princesses was here then there would be a lot more servants and guards than she had expected. This would make things a lot more difficult… but Seleste did not mind a little challenge. The presence of the princess had a positive side as well – there would be more stuff of interest for a thief like her. She would need to be more careful, but the possible gains had just increased by a lot. With that thought in mind Seleste started making her way to the door with the intention of leaving the room. That’s when she got her second surprise for the night.

“And where do you think you’re going, little thief?” A woman’s voice asked. Seleste froze in her place, and then slowly turned towards the bed. The ‘sleeping’ princess was now sitting in it and looking at her. And she wasn’t making any attempt to cover herself.

“If you don’t want me to call the guards don’t move, stay quiet, and listen to me. Is that understood?” The naked princess ordered. Seleste just nodded in confirmation. “Good. Now then, here’s my offer – you’ll have sex with me, and in return I’ll pretend I never saw you. Refuse and I’ll call the guards. And don’t even think about trying to run away or about attacking me – I won’t give you the time to do either. So, ‘yes’ or ‘no’, little thief?” The princess asked, smiling sweetly at Seleste.

The thief considered her options. She would have to agree to the princess’ demand, at least at first. The question was what to do then? Go ahead and really have sex with her, or knock her out? Whatever her choice she had to make it quick…


What is Seleste’s answer?

          "Do...Do I have to be good?"


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