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Buffy: The Sexy Slayer | RSpence | 20


"Stand on one leg," ordered Tara. Xander stood on one leg.

"Swap legs," ordered Willow. Xander changed from his right leg to his left leg, his balance wavering a little.

"Grab my clit with your left hand, and grab Tara's with your right hand," Willow continued. And Xander did, whilst still standing on one leg.

"What's going on?" asked Xander, "Why am I doing this?"

"Good, it worked," exclaimed Tara.

"What worked?" asked Xander, still on his left leg holding the ladies' uber-clits.

"We kinda fused your power into our cum. Any man who gets this cum in them or over their cock will become under the control of the person whose come it is," Willow replied, smiling. "You may stand normally."

"Thanks. You realize I would probably have done anything you asked me to anyway right?" Xander pointed out.

"Yeah, but this way we can make sure, and it also means it'll be fun for all the other women too." Tara said.

"What about if a woman gets this come in them?" Xander asked.

"Won't affect them." replied Tara,

"Not quite" said Willow.

"What?" asked Tara, curiously.

"Tara, stand on one leg." said Willow. Tara did.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Tara yelled, "Willow, stand on one leg." Willow stayed as she was. "So no fair..." mumbled Tara.

"You know you love it really." Willow said before whispering something to both Tara and Xander.


What did she say?


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