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School of Magical Sex | Dellena | 13


As she set the bell down on her desk, and tall, muscular man entered the room from a side door.
'This is Mr Xavier. He will be administering your punishment today.'
I looked up at the big man and gulped, wondering what he would do with me. She turned away from me and began to murmur something quietly to herself. As I watched, a door magically appeared in the wall behind her desk.
'If you would please follow him. You may leave your things here, you will not need them.'
She looked at me sadly, then left the office to walk the halls.

I followed Mr Xavier through the door into a dimly lit room. As my eyes adjusted to the lighting, I saw the room was completely empty with the exception of a single, long table with padded cuffs at one end. Mr Xavier pointed at me, then pointed at the table.
'You want me on the table?' I asked, to which he simply nodded. I walked over and took a seat on the far end of the table from the cuffs. He walked up behind me and placed his strong hands upon my shoulders, forcefully spinning me around. With a little a pressure, he forced me down so that I was laying flat on my back. He then moved to fasten the cuffs to each of my ankles. As the table was somewhat wide, I was unable to close my legs, leaving myself obscenely exposed to the man at the end of the table between them.

He then reached into his robes and pulled out a vial of clear liquid. He stood there silently for a few moments, watching me. I began to flush as I noticed that an erection was forming in his pants. Shortly, he nodded and began to focus on the the vial. Suddenly, the vial began to glow, made even brighter by the dimness of the room. At this point, he openned the vial and poured the liquid on to his hands. He then walked up to my waist, and placed his hand between my legs. He began to work the mystery gel deeply into my pussy...smearing it onto my mound, over my labia. After coating my outsides well, I gasped as he slipped a single finger inside me, and began to work the liquid into my vagina. When he was satisfied, he removed himself with another nod and turned to leave.

As he left me alone in the room, I was totally confused at this point. This was my punishment? To be felt up by an older man? Not something I would have sought out, but not something that I would be crying about, either. Suddenly, I began to feel a tingling feeling growing in my crotch. For the first time, I felt a light breeze blowing in the room...aimed directly between my legs. It only served to inflame the growing, burning feeling in my sex. Squirming on the table, I was unable to endure it any more, and reached down to try and rub the gel off my pussy. This turned out to be the absolute wrong thing to do, and my rubbing only made the fire burn hotter.
'Oh my god...what is is this stuff!' I thought to myself. I needed to cum, and I needed to cum soon. I spread my nether lips and began to stroke my clit with the pad of my thumb. It still wasn't enough. I needed something inside me. With nothing else in the room, I spread my lips wide, and slid two fingers inside my cunt. Better now, I started to work my fingers in and out of myself, furiously beginning to finger-fuck myself toward orgasm. Closer and closer I came as my fingers moved faster.....but the release I sought would not come. To my horror, I could not cum. Deep inside my sex-crazed brain, I began to realize the true devilry of the punishment. I tried a scream that came out more as an aroused moan, my body becoming drenched in sweat, my breathing labored as my back arched upward. I was forced to continue body desperately seeking an orgasm that I knew was denied me.

I continued this way for more than an hour, though time was lost to me. After an eternity, I heard a bell ending the period ringing in the distance. My body finally shivered with relief, but I was to exhausted to enjoy it as I passed out into unconciousness. A short time later, I awoke back in the principal's office, fully dressed, with no trace of my exertions. I sat up unsteadily, and saw the Principal sitting nearby.
'I am sorry to put you through that, dear, but my hands were tied. Here, take this,' she said as she handed me a note. 'This will excuse you from having to partner Mr Ince again for the near future. Now you may go. Its 3rd period, and I believe you can find Ms Wilson in the library. It is your free period, though, so you are free to do as you will.' And once again, she left me alone in her office......


Where do you go next?

          Leave the Office


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