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School of Magical Sex | Dellena | 12


I stammered a little bit, but quickly decided I was not going to take it from this prick of a boy. I started at Brandon defiantly as an evil grin spread over his face, his hand now fully in the air. I crossed my arms over my bare breasts as Mr Thomason strode up to us from the front of the classroom.
'Yes Brandon.....what is it,' he asked.
'This girl is totally unacceptable. She hasn't done the slightest thing to get me even a little bit aroused,' Brandon complained.
Mr Thomason just sighed. "Again, Mr. Ince? Are you sure you wish to do this?"
"I'm sure, Mr Thomason. I can show you if you like....." He proceeded to start unfastening his pants.
"No, that won't be neccessary," the professor replied. He pulled out a piece of paper from within his robes and scribbled something on it quickly. "I'm sorry, dear. Mr Ince can be quite difficult. But rules are rules....and I have no choice in the matter. Gather up your things and take this note to the principal. Be quick, I'm afraid there's no time for you to dress.' With that, he turned and walked back to the front of the room.

I glared at Brandon as I reached down and gathered up my clothes. He just smirked at me and returned to reading his magazine. I held my disheveled blouse and skirt in front of me as best I could. Trying to keep as much covered as I could. I left the torn bra on the floor as I turned and walked to the door, trying to catch Milly's eye. I found her, but she was to busy sucking the cock of a tall, handsome boy to notice me. I sighed as I walked out of the class and into the hall.

I passed several boys on my way to the principal's office. My face heated as virtually all of them turned and leered at me in my state of undress. A couple of them chuckled, knowing what a naked girl in the halls meant. Finally, I reached the office, both with a sense of relief and of trepidation. I knocked on the door, and openned it upon hearing a breathy, 'Enter'.

'Yes, Mai? What can I do for you?' she asked, rising from behind her desk while straightening her robes, which I would have sworn had been hiked up above her waist. I lowered my eyes, and simply handed her Mr. Thomason's note.
She sighed. "Brandon Ince again, I see. I'm sorry, dear. And unfortunate boy to get paired with on your first day. But there's not much I can do, I'm afraid. I'm going to have have punishment administered to you,' she said with a sad face. She reached down to ring a small bell that rested on her desk......


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