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The Choices We Make | daciasdesire | 8


Kelly is slowly coming to on the floor so you follow Carrie into the next room to find out what that was all about. You find her pacing about the kitchen in a pretty agitated state while she rubs her fist. "What the fuck just happened there? Mind informing me on what's the deal with you and Kelly?" you ask her.

"Long story," Carrie says.

"Well I got time and I don't think Kelly's going anywhere too soon," you press her.

"All right I'll tell you what that was all about if you sit down for a few minutes."
You take a seat at the kitchen table and allow Carrie to relate her story. "I don't know, a couple of years ago, while Kelly was still going to school here in town, there was this guy that I had really liked for sometime. I had confided in her about how much he meant to and she went behind my back and asked him out. I didn't know about this and I eventually gathered the courage to ask the guy out. We dated for a while up and everything was going great up until the time I found out that he had been two timing me but had dump Kelly instead. We talked it over and worked things out with each other but Kelly was really upset and had always thought that I took him away from her."

Having heard the full story you cant help but change your opinion on what happened. The two girls have some bad blood between them but you still think Carrie over reacted. "After hearing you explain it I guess I can see where your dislike for each other comes from. Still don't you thing it was a bit much belting her in the face like that," you say to Carrie.

"Yeah I guess so. My dad used to knock us kids around a bit when we were young so I tend to lose control when someone slaps me like she did," Carrie confides in you.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that."

"Its okay now and that's all in the past."

"Have you tried talking your differences over with Kelly and explaining any of this," you suggest to her.

"No but I guess I really should. I'll make an effort to see her tomorrow and apologize. That's if she even wants to see me," she resolves.

"At least you will have tried. I would still like to see you if you wanted to," you say trying to ask her out.

Carrie says that she would like to see you again so you try to think of a time when you can meet up with each other. You narrow the options to either meeting after school tomorrow or to see a movie together on a Friday night. You say goodbye to Carrie and that you'll look forward to the date. You collect the groggy Kelly and take her back to her cousin's Dave's where she is staying. You explain to him what happened and Kelly heads off to bed for the night. You say goodnight and that you Kelly says that she would like to see you again before she goes home. You agree but leave the planning for another time Afterward you too leave for home and some sleep. You arrive home and head off to your room and your bed. You drift off to sleep and look forward to the next time you get to see Carrie.


When did you and Carrie organize to catch up?

          The next day.

          Tomorrow to sort out her problem with Kelly.


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