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Washed Away | tantrikenetic | 3


Now that you are alone, you have the opportunity to sit back and ponder just what the hell happened. Questions about where you are and how you managed to get to shore alove ciurcle your head. And what about this Alice girl? Does she live here? Is she shipwrecked too? You can't answer a single one of your questions and it frustrates you to no end. You snort and immediatly inhale a whiff of your own odor.

It isn't pleasant, to say the least. You have no idea how long you were floating before reaching land (another stupifying question) and you certainly smell like you've been out to sea for some time. The salt water makes the clothes you are wearing cling uncomfortably to your body and you feel sore and sticky. A bath would feel damn good right about now.

You stumble off behind the house and, sure enough, there's a hot spring surrounded by trees and rocks, giving it a semi-secluded feel. You smile to yourself as the warm, steaming water seems to call out to you. Quickly taking a look around to make sure Alice wasn't within view, you quickly strip out of your soaked clothes, leaving them on the rocks. As quickly as you can, you slide into the spring. The warm water rises up to your waist and the heat feels good on your sore legs. You find a ledge to sit down on and the water rises to your chest. You sigh and close your eyes, enjoying the soothing powers of the hot spring. You haven't felt this good in ages.

You sit in the spring for a good half-hour, not wanting to move at all, when Alice appears from around the side of the house, carrying a basket with red fruit inside. You hear her footsteps and crane your neck around to see her approach. You are slightly embarrassed that you are buck naked the spring, but you are too damn comfortable to get out. Nonetheless, you shift yourself to hide your dick from view in the clear water.

"Good to see you found the hot springs, ." Alice says as she approaches with the fruit. "Do you feel any better?"

"Yeah." You say with a sigh. "This water is really helping my sore muscles." You let out a light chuckle as a thought fills your head.

"What?" Alice asks, indicating the laugh. She stops several feet from the spring itself, still facing your back.

"I'm stranded on an island I don't know anything about, my boat and crew gone who knows where, and I'm relaxed as can be." You laugh again. "I must be going crazy."

"You're probably just in shock." Alice says. "You haven't had a chance to process everything yet." She walks up to you, carefully averting her eyes, and sets the fruit basket down on the ground. "Here, this should help restore your strength."

"Thanks." You say. "I'm just going to soak here for a little while longer."

"Okay." Alice replied, a slight blush on her face as she focuses on the sky. "I'll go get you a towel so you can dry off when you're done." With that, she vanishes back to her home, moving a little quicker than before. You look down to see that your cock is slightly harder then before, making it more difficult to obscure. You try to calm yourself down, but it's not easy. Alice is gorgeous and your body can't seem to control itself.

Alice is gone for close to ten minutes before she returns. You hear her footsteps again and turn around to get another look at her. You nearly do a double-take when you see that she's now wearing a blue robe and sandals instead of her previous clothes. You also notice she's carrying two towels. Your mind reels like a fishing rod.

"Sorry that took so long." She says shyly, brushing some of her blond hair behind her ear. "When I was getting the towel, I realized I could use a dip in the water too. I-uh-I understand if you aren't up for the idea of sharing the hot springs with me right now, considering of undress. But if you aren't vehemently against the idea, I'd like to take a bath as well."


Are you okay with taking a bath with Alice?

          Sure, why not?


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