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*Negima!? | crono04 | 15


Negi: um....well, yes.

Misora: Speak.

Negi: I don't trust some of the others, either.

Misora: How many?

Negi: Too many.

Misora: Who are they?

Negi: Kazumi, Makie...

Misora: Makie!? Why don't you trust her?

Negi: About my magic. She seems people don't tell her many secrets.

Misora: You mean a blabbermouth.

Negi: YesNO!! Not a blabbermouth, just...loose-lipped. I trust Asuna and the others to keep it quiet, but Makie. I think she would let it slip fairly easily, even if she wasn't pressed to.

Misora: You're right about that. I think she'd say it just to out-do someone else. Y' know, 'my teacher drives a Porshe; well mine's a wizard.'

Negi: Something like that.

Misora: So it isn't really that you mistrust her, you just doubt her ability to watch her tongue.

Negi: Yes. Shes a nice person, and i know she wouldn't try to hurt me intentionally. But whether by design or accident, if it gets out, i'm finished.

Misora: In that case, i would keep it from her. And the ones she hangs out with, especially the cheerleaders. They're bigger gossips than she'll ever be.

Negi: About them. I' can i put this? I'm starting to think that they're becoming...their-their morals are....

Misora: You think they're sluts?

Negi: Well, i'd really rather not call them that...

Misora: But it would be accurate, right?

Negi: Yes.

Misora: Hm. So?

Negi: So?!

Misora: Yeah. IF they wanna be sluts, let them. Why do you care?

Negi: They're my students! I don't want them to fall into that kind of lifestyle!

Misora: And what lifestyle is that?

Negi: .....prostitution. More children than they can care for, with unknown fathers.

Misora: I still don't see why you care about that. In a year or so, we'll all graduate and you'll be...Say, what are you gonna do when we all graduate? Get a new class?

Negi: Probably not. Once you all graduate, my test will be over and, assuming i have a ministra, i can go back to Wales and become a magister magi.

Misora: See? You won't even be on the same continent as most of us. At most, Kazumi might get an assignment to take some pictures in England or something.

Negi: That doesn't mean i won't still care about all of you.

Misora: Thats sweet, but even so. Lets say that the cheerleaders are becoming sluts. What do you intend to do about it, make them swear off sex? They like you, but i don't know if even you can compete with sex.

Negi: I don't know. I'm just worried about them.

Misora: Why do you think they're becoming sluts anyway? (like i don't know)

Negi: I keep hearing them talking during class.

Misora: So? Most of us do.

Negi: About sex and when they've had it. And who they've had it with.

Misora: They're high school girls, Negi-sensei.

Negi: I hear Sakurako mention having sex and then as many as four different names in one story.

Misora: ....ok, shes a slut. But what about Madoka? She's pretty clean as far as that goes. Not quite as clean as Nodoka, but pretty clean.

Negi: Her, i don't worry about so much.

Misora, grinning: Negi-sensei, are you jealous?

Negi: What!?

Misora: Is that why it bothers you? Because you wanna be one of the names in their stories?

Negi: What!? No!

Misora: Why not? They're three cute girls who have a thing for you. You'd be crazy not to want to be in one of their famous cheerleader sundaes.

Negi: 'Cheerleader sundaes'?

Misora: From what they've told me, thats two cheerleaders, whipped cream, nuts (the guy's), and one cherry.

Negi: I got everything but cherry.

Misora: Apparently, everytime they do it, one of them has sex in a way they never have before. I think if you hurry, your cherry could be Misa's butt or Sakurako's cleavage. Or maybe....the cherry'd be your's?

Negi: ......

Misora: Your answer never leaves this room, Negi-sensei. I'm honor-bound as a woman of God not to tell a soul about what we've discussed. So tell me, have you been laid yet?


Negi sez...



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