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Xena Versus The Spartans | groinkickgirl | 2


The sound of horses and clinking armour indicated that a large horde of Spartan crooks has come to spoil the festival …. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before they could only help one town at a time, and tonight Thebes would become free.

The trap was sprung and the festival was underway. Was it the Dark Wolfe's, Cassandra the Merciless's or Jake Slasheropolous's gang of hoodlums ? The Spartan Hordes entered the festival.

Xena stood there in front of them, one hand on her hips, the other doing the “come-here” thing with her fingers. There were about 40 of them. They were fully armoured and ferocious – they had spilled much blood in their time, and the leader’s name was GARRISON. He had a long beard and black hair. He worked under Jake Slasheropoulous. Xena knew that he wouldn’t be far away.
“Leave this place and you shall live” She said.

Garrison laughed.

“Foolish woman, we will enjoy raping you” He said.

Xena tossed her circler weapon, the shakram, toward him. Garrison ducked, then laughed louder: “Foolish woman you think that would hur…”

The weapon had bounced off two trees and a festival pole, then went back taking his head off. Xena caught it. “I hope it was good for you too” The Spartans attack.

19 of them were encircling Xena and Gabrielle, while 13 were storming the Princess’s palace, in search of her treasures, and 11 were raiding and burning the huts of the women of this village (all the men were either dead from previous raids or out on hunting & fishing expeditions).

A further 18 (the remainder of the horde) were approaching the village too, loyally behind the vicious and evil Jake Slasheropoulous.

Xena screamed HEEEEEEE-EEEEEEEEEE & did a leap-in-the-air face-kick and kicked two of them off their horses. She stood over one who had just landed beside her, she slammed her heel into his balls, making a loud pop and twisted the remains around hard. The scream of the Spartan made the others fear a similar fate. Xena smiled and licked her lips seductively. “Who else wants to play with me? I LOVE playing DIRTY games with BOYS!”

“Come on, boys, come to me, I wanna play. … I’ll make sure at least ONE of you makes it out of here ALI-I-IVE”. Xena grabbed her sword and gutted some useless warrior at amazing speed. She took off arms and limbs. Gabrielle attacked with her staff taking several down, then out, from all different sides. Her staff tripped them, then knocked them over and then slammed into their faces to knock them out – one came charging at her, only to get Gabrielle’s staff buried deep in this man’s balls. The remaining 14 Spartans still encircled the two women and, after some ressuring glances at each other, tried to beat them with numbers.

Only then did the other women of the town attack with vicious force, taking them out while their backs were turned. These busty long-haired skirted women really caught them by surprise with ferocious kicks and an assortment of weapons. Eleven village girls came at once from behind the bushes – some plunged axes, some spears, some daggers into hapless men, taken completely by surprise from behind. Others grabbed men by the hair and slashed their throats slowly and with passion, some even tapped them on the shoulder, and when the pillaging beasts turned around, they got punched out at close range by determined and enraged girls’ fists.

The 13 who were storming the Princess’s palace, were making great strides, bashing down the huge oak door and running up empty walkways and tunnels, in search of the famous treasures of Thebes, while the other 11 were raiding and burning the huts of the women of this village. The first five huts they stormed through were all empty, making it easy and short work to take the jewellery and the tapestry, before stepping out and setting the straw roof alight.

Soon only four of those who had encircled Xena remained – totally encircled themselves by girls. Three were in the process of surrendering with their hands up, when a flying spear took one of them down. Xena’s sword went deep into the body of a second (the one who did not have his hands up), while a third one got held by both arms, one girl having grabbed each arm tightly, until Xena’s boot sent him flying and to sleep in one swift move to the face. This only left one left, and he was now on his belly, with seven girls piled up on top of him, all punching him or tying him up with ropes.

In the Princess’s palace, all 13 invaders had now reached the central courtyard. To their amazement, HUGE iron gates came down on three sides of them, leaving only one route of escape open to them. Behind one of the three iron gates were large treasure trunks full of sparkling gold and rubies, behind a second was the way they had come in, and behind the third were seductive young beauties, dancing sweet seductive dances for the boys.

Only six of the men resisted all the temptations and ran up the one corridor they had left. The other seven stood and stared, not at the treasure but at the sexy dancing girls behind one of the iron gates. They drooled and walked towards them, sufficiently distracted, so that three buckets full of sand released from above, swinging on ropes, were able to take three of the men in the face by surprise and fell them. Then 16 girls came swinging down on ropes from above, the first eight swinging right at the men with their feet, and the second eight swinging into empty space, where they jointly lifted up a huge squared log between them.

Needless to say, the four men who had not been hit by the buckets were taken down by absorbing the full blow of the cute little girls swinging at their astonished faces on ropes. These girls then planted their 16 feet on the three who had been felled by buckets of sand (each of whom now had 5-6 weight bearing feet stood on them), while the other eight girls soon came running with the squared log and threw it onto the four newly felled men’s chest, easily pinning all four down by the log on the chest, leaving a vulnerable and exposed trophy on either side of the heavy log, the face (for kicking, stomping on or sitting on) and the man’s jewels (for kicking and stomping on).

The six who had run into the open corridor and down a set of stairs, soon found themselves all on a narrow crossing over a deep ditch … two girls emerged in front of them, waving cheerfully at them, blowing them a kiss, and then getting one really long pole out just when the men were at a thin crossing over the ditch without handrails – the look in their eyes said it all – and with one firm swing of the long pole all six fell into the ditch, only to feel the sharp tip of six spears pressed down on the back of their necks from behind, being held by six true dream girls who were reading them their rights, which were very few indeed.

In the sixth hut, just as in the next five after that, there were 2 girls ready for them in each one, one positioned so that she would be the first thing the men saw when they came storming in, and the other was standing pushed along the wall next to the entrance, where they would be the LAST thing these goons would see for a while .. giant lassoos fall around and catch three men in one hut,
a ball of skirts thrown at them from in front provides enough distraction for the other girl to come and mow them down, with ease, kicking them high, then low, then the girls pounce on them, squashing their heads between their slender feminine legs.

Two kinds of foot catching traps sprung some men who were heading towards the eleventh hut, two of the men were now hanging from trees by their ankles, a third was stuck with his foot in a bear trap, waiting to be punched off his feet and captured.

Seven still remained, running towards more tents they intended to pillage. The ground falls in under the front one, who falls into a man-catching pit which he will not be able to escape from, 2 more cling to the edge of the pit by their fingers, six feet above the bottom of the pit, trying to climb out.

Five lively girls come charging towards them with sticks, three of them use their sticks to gain enough height that their kicks can easily slam into a man’s face and send him falling into the pit. Plant. Leap. WHACK! AAAAAARRGHHH! Plant. Leap. WHACK! AAAAAARRGHHH! .. Plant. Leap. WHACK! AAAAAARRGHHH! and the other two simply walk up to the final shocked man, put their arms around him, give him a big juice loving kiss from both cheeks at once, and then push him into the pit with their fingertips to his shoulders. Kiss. Tap. OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH! …. Splat! Then they use they sticks to tease the two who were still hanging on for escape. It was fun to poke them in the face and play with them, let them suffer and squirm a little … then, after a long while, when they got bored of this, they pushed one booted foot each onto their foreheads and with a gentle push, sent them falling to the bottom of the pit.

Unaware of all this, Jake and his 18 mean reinforcements were approaching the town … heading straight for the market place where Xena & Gabrielle had just felled 19 of his best men. … Also unaware of this, and in Sparta far, far away,
we switch to Collisto, who was in the early part of a world record attempt, to execute some 173 prisoners with facesitting smothers one after the other in 48 hours (and she will not be interrupted, not be stopped until Chapter 7!). One after the other, the earmarked slaves would struggle and then perish under the gorgeous soft, round ass of this merciless killer, Collisto.

Also in the mean time, the six surviving marauding hordes were busy plundering six other villages, then six more, then six more, and all traders in between, assembling lots of valuable loot while also killing many who stood in their way. Each was an independent evil, stealing, pillaging, invading and murdering Spartan horde.

At the same time, Collisto’s girly friends Helen of Troy and the Sirens were happily beating, abusing and sleeping on their toy friends, Autolycus and Joxer. This is to remain their fate until Chapter 10.

The women of Thebes had managed to kill only a third of the invaders today (though all got a good beating and all were initially KO’d). of the other two third, only half would survive the first week of harsh captivity. But even then, they had many slaves from now on… all of whom will witness Jake get impaled through his balls, spine and head as an example to others who might think of rebelling.

After that, there were 6 more marauding hordes left to take on, countless more villages to free through these actions, and only Xena and the women from Thebes could achieve this!
Xena and Gabrielle will, by a process of deduction and fierce battles, take them all on, slowly, through one fight after another, the Spartans will be defeated (some will be used for sexual pleasure too, but for most it will be pleasure enough to tae them down and out.

Although items of clothing, clues and (counter)demands will be found pinned to the marketplace olive tree in Corinthia every day, it will also not be until Chapter Ten that Xena & Thebes learn that Joxer and Autolycus have in fact been abducted by Collisto and her violent Amazon sisters, and are being tortured, abused, rented out for beatings and kept by a large group of young, blonde, merciless, dominant, horny vixens.


What happens to Jake and the reinforcements when they arrive?

          Jake runs into Xena

          they do


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