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Buffy: The Sexy Slayer | RSpence | 18


"Well with your - fuck that's good - magical abilities, and my powers of control, we could amplify them and - yeah, that's it, right there - do whatever the fuck we wanted to the world," Xander explained whilst enjoying being sandwiched between Willow's uber-clit and Tara's mouth.

"I like that plan. We could change the world, bring about world peace, end hunger," Willow began, "or just fuck whoever we want and make everyone obey us."

"I like the second one better," Xander replied.

"There's just one thing wrong with that," said Tara, releasing Xander's cock. Xander tried to grab her head but Willow just fucked harder and made him come.

"What's that sweety?" askd Willow.

"Xander couldn't influence you or me, so surely there'll be others in the world he can't influence."

"Hmm... I've got it!" exclaimed Willow as she carried on fucking a relaxed Xander.



What does Willow have in mind?

          A sexual amplification

          Some muscle


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