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Buffy: The Sexy Slayer | Rspence | 16


"Oh God, what the... OH!" Willow moaned as she felt a sensation in her clitoris that wasn't normal. It began to grow like Tara's had earlier, to about the same size.

"Tara, did you -"

"No," replied Tara, "too busy... enjoying this OH GOD!" she screamed as she suddenly came and shot her cum up into Willow's pussy. It carried on for longer than Xander had ever managed himself. Willow got off shortly after, but Tara's cock hadn't shrunk and was still hard as a rock.

Willow looked over as she lay down, and suddenly spotted a semi-transparent figure in the room.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" she said summoning a fireball just incase.

'Ignore that I'm here' Xander thought, trying to push it towards Willow.

"Not gonna work," she said. "Now one more chance, who's there?"

"Damnit, it's me," Xander said as he revealed himself.

"Xander?" both Tara and Willow said, shocked and confused.

"You did this?" asked Willow swinging her new penis around. "Why?"

"Actually I don't know if I'm honest," he said, unsure about what was going to happen next.

"Did you wanna see me fuck Tara?" she asked innocently as she climbed onto Tara and positioned it at the entrance of Tara's pussy. Tara moaned a little, but tried to ignore it and go along with whatever Willow was doing.

"Two little hermaphrodites getting it on? Well that's not what's going to happen," said Willow as she slowly began advancing towards Xander. Magically she stripped away his clothes and pulled him towards her. She grabbed him and kissed him passionately, relaxing as it happened as he thought it was going to be ok. Willow then motioned Tara over, and they both kissed each other and Xander, before both dropping down infront of him and beginning to suck on his cock.

"Oh God," he moaned, "oh God I have dreamt about this!" He was in heaven as they went to work on his cock.

"Mmm, well it probably won't go exactly how you dreamt it." Willow said as she left Tara to continue giving him the blowjob of his life. Xander didn't notice it at first, but he then felt Willow's hands roaming around his stomach and chest, then round to the back and down to his buttocks. It was then he suddenly worked out what was going to happen, but didn't have time to do anything about it as Tara moved away and Willow pushed him forward and over the bed, before slamming her cock up his virgin ass.

"Yeah, like that do you? Always wanted to fuck me haven't you? Well now it's me doing the fucking, and it feels so good," Willow said in a domineering voice, as her body began to change into that of her evil self.

"Hmmmm" is all Xander could manage at the time. However truth be told he was enjoying it. In fact he was loving it, this beautiful woman dominating him and fucking him and giving him so much pleasure as well. It was so weird. He had no desire for a proper penis, before or now. But this one he didn't want to stop.


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