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The wizard awakes | ponyboy | 3


Dargin looks around his home.
God it's a mess. Dust lays two foot thick over everything.
Using his powers he had his home rise out of the earth and then had the wind blow the dust away. Before returning his home once more below the earth.
That may have got rid of the dust. But it also knocked down bookcases and broke several nice vaces.
He would need to find some servants to cook and clean as well as other things he needed done around the place.
In the old days all he had to do was go to a major city and bid at the slave auctions.
But a lot had changed and his was sure where any of the major cities were now located let alone what they used for money or what the going rate was for a good slave.
Well the answers were not going to suddenly drop in his lap. So he was going to have to find out for himself.
While flying to his home. He had noticed strange flying metal things in the sky.
If he was to follow one or even get a ride he was sure it would take to other people. He was sure he had seen people looking out of small windows on the sides of the flying metal things.
He looked up and saw another one flying over head.
He quickly flew up and landed on the back of it. At first the wind was very cold. But he quickly made a force bubble over himself and wind blew past without hitting him.


So where will the airplane take him?


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