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Call Girl | spongmaster | 1


My name is . I was about to graduate from UCLA with a degree in English when I found out that my financial aid feel through. To make a long story short (maybe I will go into it later) UCLA got a hold of me during the summer and said "Sorry we don't have anything for you, and since you have no money then you can't register." I was one fucking quarter short too! So I had to dig up the money. I tired everywhere. I figured living in LA there would be plenty of places to find a job, but nope, nowhere. My parents weren't any help either - they thought it was a blooper and would be taken care of. They never gave me anything anyway since they wanted me to learn "financial responsibility," which amounted to my parents cutting me off from pretty much everything; great idea for someone who had no credit history, never held anything more than a part time job, had anything more than a savings loan started by my grandma when I was 2, and had no idea how to even take out a loan!

When I finally thought that I had failed utterly and was about to give up and go home to mommy and daddy I spotted a flier laying around campus (I still had the ability to go onto campus and find help thankfully):

"Females wanted for photo and possible short film shoot. No previous experience necessary. Will be paid $100 for any photos taken. Contact Joanna at (looks like her cell phone number). If chosen can get $100-$1000 per shoot. Nudity may be required - however female photographers available at request."

I thought stuff like this wasn't allowed on campus? I guess thats why I found it near the trashcan. I didn't want my body all over the internet (a friend of mine had that happen to her, but she didn't really mind though - she was kinda of a slut) but the money was damn good, and I would get paid just for trying out.

But then again I still had a whole new newspaper of classified ads to go through. Maybe I would find something there. Then there was my sweet grandma who maybe could help - she always did try to spoil me as much as possible. Maybe I should just go talk to Amy at the financial aid office again - even though it was shitty what had happened to me she was nice about it and trying to help.


Should you look in the classifieds again, see Amy, find your grandma, or call the number?

          Call Joanna's number

          Find Grandma


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