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Xena Versus The Spartans | groinkickgirl | 1


It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found.

The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years, and in the mean time Athens had become bankrupt. They also had no police or army, and had not needed any for years. Corinthia, Olympia and Thebes were now in ruins and were being besieged by Spartan hordes on a daily basis, and each time there was loss of life, rape, fire, and all things of any value were taken.

Under King Justinius of Sparta, all had been well. But as he, his first-born, Darius and his second-born, Sonya, had all been murdered within one weekend, Sparta suddenly became ruled by the youngest daughter of Justinius, Xolisto, and the six surviving off-spring of the family, all of whom had set up and now ran their own independent evil, stealing, pillaging, invading and murdering Spartan hordes. A new accord between these seven Spartan warlords ruled that all that lived within four hundred paces of Sparta’s Temple to Zeuss (as did these seven hordes) were to be spared (which suited them well and put their fears of infighting to rest), but the rest of Greece was to be fair game.

So a truly terrible time had come. The Spartans were destroying everything else on the island and assembling all things of any value in the hands of seven warlords in Sparta. People in Thebes, Corinthia, Attiva and all towns between Olympia and Athens were being robbed from, beaten, having their homes destroyed and family members killed every day. It was bleak.

People despaired. People suffered. People were doomed. There was only one solution. Xena. Only she could save Greece from the Spartan warlords and their marrauding hordes.

So it was not long after her return from Asia Minor where she had fought to achieve peace between the Ottomans and the Anatolyans, that Xena was found, cuddled up to Gabrielle and sleeping on their toy friends Autolycus and Joxer (it was nice to cuddle up to these men and to laugh at their idiotic antics, but most of all there was no need for the slimy old carrots now that they had these men to play with) by a desperate princess of Thebes in frantic despair after having lost so many of her people and family, including her father, the just and beloved King of Thebes already.

Xena was taken to Thebes, offered all the food, drink, jewellery and spas that Thebes had to offer and then she sprung into action, preparing for a large festival in Thebes. It was going to require a great festival to lure at least one gang of Spartans in with the aim of catching them in the act of committing crimes, and teach them a lesson they would not soon forget (or law and order and revenge and punishment) … and to ensure this, she had sent some publicity gossip about the coming festival and the plentitude of young women, booze and treats that there was going to be to Sparta.

The scene was set, but one thing, no two things were missing from this festival beside the Spartans: Both Joxer AND Autolycus had gone missing.
As time would pass, Xena and Gabrille were going to learn from daily notes pinned on the tree of the central vegetable market in Thebes that they had been abducted, but it was not going to be until Chapter Ten that Xena and Gabrielle learn, by a process of deduction and battles, who had taken them and where they were being held. Until then, the challenge will take them into confrontations with all the seven hordes, and slowly, through one fight after another, the Spartans will be defeated (some will be used for sexual pleasure too, but for most will be pleasure enough to fell and punish them) and (after Chapter Ten) the prisoners will be found and freed.

Although items of clothing, clues and (counter)demands will be found pinned to the marketplace olive tree every day, it will also not be until Chapter Ten that Xena & Thebes learn that Joxer and Autolycus have in fact been abducted by Xolisto and her violent Amazon sisters, and are being tortured, abused, rented out for beatings and kept by a large group of young, blonde, merciless, dominant, horny vixens.

So the trap is sprung and the festival is underway. Xena and Gabrielle are dressed up as musicians (and the Spartans will think she is still in Anatolya)
The sound of horses and clinking armour indicated that a large horde of Spartan crooks has come to spoil the festival ….

Was it the Dark Wolfe's, Cassandra the Merciless's or Jake Slasheropolous's gand of hoodlums ?


What Happens Next? & Who Is It Invading The Festival?

          Jake's boys arrive and immediately try to rape and pillage ...



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