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The Choices We Make | daciasdesire | 7


You lead Katherine over to where your group of friends is talking. You made sure not to tell them you where going with Kat so you could surprise them on the night. The look on their faces is priceless as one by one they turn to stare at you and your date. None of them can believe what they are seeing. Envy is written all over their faces.

Katherine has been the hottest girl in school since she came here three years ago. During that time she had never gone out with anyone at school even though pretty much every guy you knew had tried to ask her out. She would just politely decline saying she had plans already to go out with her friends. Her best friend was your next door neighbor Rebecca. She had told you that Katherine wanted a date for the dance but didn’t want to say yes to any of the guys in school. That was primarily the reason for knocking everyone back. Go out with one guy and the rest would never leave her alone. Rebecca had said that you’d be a good way to get around it.

You slap the hands of your mates and give a few handshakes as you great everyone. You catch more than one of then trying to look down Kat’s dress as you introduce her to them. Luckily her dress is quite high cut even if backless. If they had only seen what you sough about forty-five minutes ago you think merrily to yourself. As the night progresses Katherine manages to get on well with everyone as she has a very friendly and approachable personality. Your friends ask you how you managed to swing her but you just smile and say nothing. The pair of you gets numerous offers to attend after dance parties but you haven’t made any plans just yet. You like to keep your options are open.

The dance is fast drawing to a close when your school principle takes the stage. Its time for the announcement of this years King and Queen. You consider taking off now and missing this part. You know your name was down as one of the candidates but you dismissed it when you heard and hadn’t thought of it since. You had even voted for Rebecca as Queen and one of your friends to be the King. You probably should have put Kat down but Rebecca had been so excited at getting nominated that she made you promise to vote for her. You are about to get Katherine to leave when the principle calls out your name. You freeze when you hear your name called out, too late to take off now. Your friend standing around you clap and cheer as they direct you to the stage.

You say a quick few words thanking everyone for their confidence in you and that you appreciate their support. You are presented with a crown and a really crappy cloak to wear for the King and Queens dance. Who is going to be your Queen you wonder? You try to think who was nominated. Rebecca’s name was there, so too was Kat’s. An exchange student from Australia named Andrea makes three but you can’t possibly remember the other two.

The principle continues his duties, “This years Queen, in one of the tightest margins ever, is...”


Who is going to be named your Queen?

          Sarah Banks... Sarah who?


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