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Ultimate Fanfiction | crono04 | 6


(transcript form)


Through the darkened streets of Tokyo, two huge machines roar, one avoiding pedestrians, the other missing only through the walker's reflexes. Inside the latter, a purple-skinned giant of a man laughs a deep laugh. Gonard, the scourge of Japan, has stolen a special venom from a nearby science laboratory. Team Lilymu is in pursuit.

Gonard: HAHAHAHA!! Give it up, Lily-pukes! Your wagon is fast, but you're missing one small detail: Mitsuki! HAHAHA!!

Gonard raises Mitsuki, member of Team Lilymu, above his head triumphantly. She's completely still.

Lily: Oh, my gosh! He's got Mitsuki! She's not moving! Is she...?

Kappa Mikey: Don't worry!! Sensors say she's breathing!!

Gonard: Oh, she's alive, alright. But not for long! I've given her my special Sleeping Beauty toxin! She'll need a glass coffin of her own if nobody cures her soon!

Gonard throws Mitsuki, but to his chagrin, Kappa Mikey catches her.

Gonard: No matter, Lily-fools! With her gone, I can beat you next time! HAHAHAHA!!

Kappa Mikey: Mitsuki? Mitsuki!?

Lily: The poison is too strong!

Guano, sadly: Guano...g-guano!

Kappa Mikey: No!!! Not if i can help it!

Lily: What are you going to do?

Kappa Mikey: It's a sleeping beauty toxin, is it? Then i'll just have to use the Kappa Mikey Kiss-of-Life!!

The blue-clad hero puckers his lips and lowers his face toward his comatose teammate and friend. Closer...closer.....
Mitsuki lies perfectly still, but soon color returns to her cheeks with a vengeance.

Mitsuki: EEEEEEKK!!!

Kappa Mikey: WAH!!

Guano: CUT!!!!





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