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Tharros | moonblack | 4


Early the next morning the six got up at nearly the same time, and immediately started packing the few things they had in their possession. In addition to the clothes they were wearing each member of the group had a cloak with a hood that could be used as blanket if necessary, some spare clothes, and some food rations, most of which had been used during the trip. Other than that Feolla and Oeld had nothing while the other four were carrying weapons based on their preferences.

As usual Jerrin took the lead, his two longswords at the ready at all times. Behind him walked Oeld and Kerald, both of them constantly looking at the surrounding areas to make sure there’s no danger in sight. Behind them were Ja’arina and Xe’ana, one of them ready to unleash a barrage of arrows at any enemy, the other ready to put several small but deadly daggers in the body of anyone foolish enough to get too close without an invitation. Last was Feolla. Since the seductress was useless in a fight she was using the other five as a shield from any frontal attack and was also scouting the surroundings to make sure no one surprises them from behind.

About an hour after the six continued their journey a strong warm wind started blowing from their left side, lifting their cloaks in the air. This gave Feolla an excellent view of the other two women’s tight butts, to her joy. Seeing Xe’ana’s tempting – and partially naked – ass reminded her that it had been a few days since she had been pleasured by another woman. As always thinking about sex made her pussy wet, but with a bit of willpower she managed to suppress her arousal. There would be enough time for fun tonight, after they set up camp.

For the past week the group had been traveling through hills without following any path. There were plenty of trees and bushes around, sometimes even small forests, which would provide many covers for potential assailants. Only hardly any bandits were foolish enough to risk living in such an environment – the animals and beasts inhabiting the hills made sure that humans didn’t survive for long. Almost every day the six had been forced to fend off attacks. So far they had managed to do so without suffering any serious injuries.

Now the group was finally leaving the hills. Their current course was towards a nearby road leading to and from Tharros, which they would follow for the rest of the trip. With a bit of luck they would encounter no trouble on the road, and maybe even find someone to travel with.

When it was almost noon the six cultists started climbing a hill that would offer them a view of the road. Just then a scream was heard – the dying scream of a man. The six looked at each other and then rushed upwards. When they reached the hill’s peak an unwelcome sight was revealed to them. Less than fifty meters from where the six were standing, on the road they had intended to take, was a horse-driven carriage. Both horses and the driver were dead, as was one of the carriage’s guards – probably the one whose scream had been heard just seconds ago. There were three more guards trying to fend off what seemed to be a naked woman. But even from such a distance the rows of sharp spikes on her back could be seen, revealing without any doubt that she wasn’t human.

“A Woman Breaker! Oh, crap!” Feolla exclaimed when she realized what the attacker was.

Woman Breaker was the name given by humans to a race of lesbian hermaphrodites. They were quite rare and had contact with humans only when looking for women to enslave and impregnate. All males careless enough to get in their way were mercilessly killed. Women Breakers were fast, strong, and highly resistant to nearly all poisons and spells. Their physical appearance was nearly the same as that of human women, with two differences – they had cocks and, when intending to fight, sharp spikes protruded from their bodies, especially their backs. They were also at least as intelligent as the average human, and were thus a formidable enemy, especially in a group. Fortunately this one was alone.

“There must be a woman in that carriage. And from the looks of it she must be a rich one. I wonder how she’s gonna reward us if we save her?” Jerrin whispered

“What makes you think we can save her?” asked Feolla quietly just as the attacker’s claws ended the life of another unfortunate guard.

“If we do nothing she might leave once she’s done with the guards and the occupants of that carriage. Or she might come after us – I’m sure she would love to bury her fuckpole in your tight ass, Feolla. Or in mine, for that matter.” Xe’ana noted.

“She seems to have not yet spotted us.” Ja’arina joined the quiet discussion. “If we hide and wait for her to leave do you think she’ll notice us?”

“We don’t know how Women Breakers detect other living creatures. If it is through sight alone we’ll be fine. But if it is not…” Oeld did not need to finish his sentence.

“So, what are we going to do?” Kerald asked. “We better hurry with the decision – those two guards won’t last much longer…”


What do they do?

          They are not given any real choice…


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