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The Toy Shop | trouser | 1


Jack couldn't believe what he was doing. He was the quiet guy, some would even call him shy, but nevertheless, here he was, right in the midst of this erotic toy shop, surrounded by strange looking devices, that he didn't even know the name of, and their sight alone was enough to make him blush.
It was his first time in a Sex Shop, but when this one, "The Magic of Sex", opened right next to his apartment, he somehow entered it, although he didn't even remember deciding to do so. It was almost as if his feet had made the decision for him, as if he was being called, and so here he was, right in the Toy Shop.
Nervously he eyed his surrounding, there was a whole rack of dildos in every shape, size, color and specialty he could imagine and a second rack with those that he couldn't imagine. There were also stands of Lingerie, both for male and female, that seemed to consist mostly of nothing or different materials, that did pretty much everything, except concealing anything. While eying the shop, Jack's view got caught by another rack, packed to the point of bursting with blow-up dolls in every variation, male, female, things in between and even some, that didn't appear to be human altogether.
Since this was his first visit to a Sex Shop of any kind, Jack was feeling more than just a little bit out of place, but yet he was fascinated by all the stuff around him, after all there was no one to see him.
"Uhm, may I help you?"
Jack gave a start, as suddenly a voice sounded behind him. Slowly, and with the feeling of someone who just got caught doing something naughty, he turned around and found himself face to face with an astonishing beautiful goth-looking girl, hardly any older than 25, with short black hair, that smiled at him. If Jack had had a look, he would have noticed her dark blue, almost black eyes, that seemed to sparkle mysteriously, but his eyes were caught by the huge cleavage of her white breasts.
"You know," the girl went on with a smile, "you are my first customer, so i haven't got much experience yet, but i am quite sure, that you should be looking at my products, not at my tits."
Immediately, Jack's head jerked up, while his face took on a deep red color.
"So..sorry," he stammered, "i...i didn't mean to... i mean it's not as if your tits weren't nice, it's just...."
"Let me guess," the shopkeeping girl said, cutting Jack off, "this is you first time in a Sex Shop?"
", not at all!" Jack replied, after deciding that he was already embarrassed enough, "It's just that this shop is new, so i thought..."
"Ah yes, about that: Since your my first customer, you may choose any single product from my store and get it for free, but you should beware, most of my toys are... special.... in one way or another and should be handled with care..." She paused for a moment, then took a step toward Jack, so she was standing right in front of him, pressing her tits against his chest. "...but if you like, I could help you getting started..."
Jack was never good with girls, in fact he was still a virgin, and this beautiful girl pressing herself against him was simply too much, without thinking he backed away from her.
", thanks, I'll be fine!" Hurrying, Jack grabbed the nearest packed toy, not even knowing what it was, and ran out of the store.
He thought, he might have heard the girl scream some kind of advice or warning after him, but he simply didn't care and just ran on.

It took Jack quite some time after he arrived home to get his breath back and even longer, till he actually dared to look at the package he got from that strange shop. But what was it?


What kind of toy did Jack get?

          A blow-up doll.... a special one

          A porn DVD

          The shopgirls lunch

          Something else


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