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Tharros | moonblack | 3


“No.” Ja’arina refused Feolla’s proposal even before it was made.

“Why not? How do you know you don’t like licking pussy when you have never tried?” the scantily-clad seductress teasingly asked.

“No.” Ja’arina repeated.

“Then how about I eat you out instead?” Xe’ana readily offered.

“No.” the archer answered flatly.

“You really should try her. She tastes great.” Feolla insisted.

“I’m sure she does, but no.” Ja’arina tried to ignore the other two women’s various proposals. The two were annoying, but unfortunately there was nothing she could do about it. There were only two things the six could do for fun during their journey to Tharros: have sex (which always ended up as an exhausting orgy) or have Ja’arina get teased by the other two women (which was fun for all except the archer). After three consecutive orgies on three consecutive nights there was no way for her to get away from their teasing, so she would have to put up with it. The two sluts never tried to seduce her for real, and for that the voluptuous archer was grateful – she had no desire to find out whether or not she would be able to resist her two slutty friends if they got serious.

The group’s men watched as Ja’arina was once again teased by the other two women. Watching the young archer get flushed and embarrassed listening to the various offers made to her was always fun – a lot more than anyone would expect, in fact. It was also a nice change of pace from the previous nights of wild sex.

Kerald and Oeld simply watched the women while Jerrin, the group’s leader, was lost in his thoughts. No one was standing guard because there was no need – each of the six people was wearing a ring with an enchantment that would warn him or her if anything and anyone got close to their small camp. If something happened and the rings’ magic was blocked by something they would also know, so surprising them was practically impossible. And anyone able to somehow catch them by surprise would most likely be a person they could not handle even if they were warned about his or her approach, so it didn’t matter.

Before the start of their journey the six of them had been gathered together in a small room and instructed on their mission, with as much detail as was available. Then they had been warned about Rhona:
“She is the illegitimate child of Hugo Dacca, although she doesn’t know that, and is believed to be fiercely loyal to the Daccas. She will be searching for the crosier on her own, but at the same time she has been given the task of hiring some freelancers to also search for it. Naturally she’ll also monitor their progress. It might be a good idea for one or more of you to get hired by her, as that will give you access to some of her information. But never forget that she cannot be trusted, and that she must never know of your mission!”

All six had been told this, but only Jerrin, as the leader of the group, had been told one other thing:
“Rhona may not be as loyal to the Daccas as they believe. It is possible that she’s having doubts and wants to break free from her bonds. This information, however, is not yet confirmed, so I’ll leave it to you to decide whether or not to share it with the rest of your group, and also whether or not to try and make use of it. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but do not rely on Rhona’s doubts to successfully complete you mission, Jerrin.”

“I understand, my lady. I swear I will not fail you!”

Jerrin’s mind returned to the present and he noticed that Feolla and Xe’ana had finally given up for the night, much to Ja’arina’s relief. Now the three of them were preparing to go to sleep, as were Kerald and Oeld. The warrior decided to follow their example. The group was now only a day or two away from Tharros, but that didn’t make the rest of the trip any less dangerous. Anything could happen and so they needed to get as much rest as possible – especially after the previous exhausting nights.

In just a few short minutes all six members of the group were sound asleep.


Any events during the rest of the trip?

          Yes, unfortunately


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