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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 12


You look in the rear view mirror to check out your new look.

"What do you think?" you ask, noticing the immensely different voice you now had.
"Mmm I could eat you all day long," she says whilst licking her lips and eyeing you up. You now were a black woman in her mid-20s, with large breasts, a bigger butt and a decent sized waist. Your clothes had changed as well, into a black PVC catsuit as requested, matching the boots which had become part of a very sexy outfit.

"I do look hot don't I?" you say, still checking yourself out in the car mirror. Courtney grabs you and kisses you, sticking her tongue into your mouth. You return the favour and are locked in a kiss that would have left even the best soft porn makers impressed. You reached and grabbed her left breast, fondling as you kissed. She moaned at the touch of your hand on her nipple.

"God, I've gotta fuck you now," she almost screams as she breaks off the kiss. You lower the seats down and drop the back seats as well, creating a long level of car seats. She straddles you and goes back to kissing you, before slowly pushing you onto your back and unzipping your trousers. She slowly pulls them down to find you with no underwear on.

"Remember, I'm still technically a virgin now," you moan as she begins to touch your pussy. Already incredibly wet, it takes no effort for her to slip in a finger and start slowly exploring your new vagina. You moan even louder as she slips another two fingers in, thinking that the pleasure from it is going to make you explode.

She pulls out her fingers and gently kisses your 'lips', before beginning to lick your clitoris. You moan again as her tongue brushes it, and before long she begins licking with wild abandon as you can't help but moan so loud that people outside the car would hear.

"Fuck... fuck that's good... God, women get it so damn good... eat me, eat my pussy... FUCK!" you scream as you feel tension building down there, and you make the guess that you're about to come. Your hips buck on their own, and smother Courtney's face. She keeps going and you keep moaning.

"Fuck... I'm gonna... gonna... COME!" you scream as you come all over Courtney's face. She licks it all up and smothers her face in it, and you kiss her and take some of it in yourself, amazed at how good you taste.

"That. Was. Incredible." you pant as you try to regain your breath. "I am so doing that to you now."


Do you? Or are you interrupted?


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