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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 11


Deciding that it's something that you'd never ever get to do normally, you are very turned on by the idea of lesbian sex.

"How about a little girl on girl?" you reply as you pull over to park.
"We better see how these boots work then." she says, slipping her boot off whilst you take off yours. You both return to your natural state, both somewhat disappointed with their own bodies now.
"Alright, what seems to be affecting how these work," you say as you examine both boots. You find a little pouch on one of them, and opening it you find a piece of paper. Reading it, it seemed to have a description that was remarkably similar to the form you both recently took. Grabbing a sheet from your glove box and a pen, you have a think before scribbling something down.

"Let's try this shall we?" you says curiously as you place the paper in the pouch and slip the boots on. You change again, this time into a much darker skinned version of yourself.

"You made yourself black?" she asks in a slight confusion.
"Well it's a pretty obvious change to make without going into great detail," you reply.
"So is changing your gender, which is what we were after here surely?"
"Alright alright, lemme try again." You take the boots back off and grab the paper from the pouch. Adding more details to the sheet you put it back into the pouch and try again.


What do you look like now?

          Long haired black woman


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