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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 12


She speeds up even more and you feel your hips hurting, but don't care in the slightest. You here her moaning increase even more and you know what it means. The moans get louder, and she begins to come in your arse, shooting it deep into you. The feeling is so weird, part of you feels ill but a larger part wants to come again, and for her to come again.

She pulls out, with a satisfying 'pop' as her penis leaves your arse. Still feeling incredibly horny but so tired, you both collapse on the bed, and drift off into a light sleep.


When you awake you find that you were the second to wake up. Something feels different though, and you look down and find you've returned to your male state. Not only that but you've been moved in the bed and the boot is no longer on your foot. Panicking, you fear that Courtney has stolen your boots to use herself, but your fears are soon calmed as you see a pair of legs wearing those boots walking into the room. The body isn't the same though. Standing infront of you now is a pure woman.

Different than how she was originally though, Courtney now has blonde hair finishing just below her shoulders, and she's wearing some half-sized, thin-framed glasses, although probably more for the look rather than any actual need seeing as how it was achieved through 'magic'. Her breasts are bigger, almost the same size as when you both changed. She's not wearing a lot, a towel being the only thing other than the boots and glasses.

"Good morning, erm... I never got your name," she says, laughing slightly.
"Hah. It's Steven, Steven Jones," you reply.
"Ah Jones, Welsh by any chance?" she says, and somehow using the boots changes her outfit to resemble a sheep costume.
"Oi! Good trick but insulting. My dad was Welsh, yes. Now change back, that costume just looks like a childs."
"Sorry," she changes her outfit into some sexy underwear. A small pair of panties now covers her nether regions, and a dark red silky bra just about covers her breasts. "Better?"
"Nothing at all would be better," you say, "but I suppose it gives me something to do."

She giggles sexily and walks closer to the bed.

"Now wouldn't you just like that?" she asks, straddling your stomach.


What happens now?

          How did she do those changes?


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