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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 11


For some reason, and you can't think why, you can think of nothing better than her controlling you and fucking you into a mild coma.

"I want you to... oh fuck... to fuck me like this, to fuck me hard," you moan as she increases the speed even more. Just when it seems like you're gonna come, she stops.

"Pull over, I have a friend round here. She's away at the moment but she asked me to check on some things for her so I have her key."

You pull over as quickly and closely to where she's indicating as possible. Scrambling, you park and get out of the car, almost forgetting to put your dick away. You lock it and chase after her up the stairs to the third floor where the apartment is. She unlocks the door and drags you in as you catch up. Grasping her, you kiss so intensely you thought you could come just from that. She starts to take her clothes off, and you get the message and do the same too. She grabs you, kisses you more and gives you cock another couple of jerks. She then leads you by it to the bedroom and throws you onto the bed face first.

You land bent over the edge of the bed, arse stuck out and just begging for entry. She grabs some lube from her friend's bathroom and puts it on her cock and drips some over your arse. It feels weird as it goes down the hole, but it's nothing compared to her slamming into you. The shock causes you to cry out in pain, but the pain is soon gone and replaced with pleasure. Her dick thrusts into you and you thrust back, trying to get it as deep as possible. The feeling is unlike anything you've ever felt before, and added to your already massive hornyness, you feel yourself about to come. Almost instinctively she speeds up in an attempt to increase the pleasure for you, and you moan as you shoot your load over the end of the bed. She doesn't stop though, and you don't want her too.


What happens next?

          She comes too


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