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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 10


"Very stunning, and very appetising," she continues before lowering her head towards it.

You moan as she takes it into her mouth, the shock of it mixed with the thrill of receiving a blowjob whilst anyone can see makes you almost lose concentration on the driving. Her head bobs up and down upon your cock and feels unlike any other blowjob you've ever received before. Maybe the boots have made you both sexually amazing as well as physically. It's not long though before you feel that familiar feeling and know you're gonna come soon and you can't help but thrust into her mouth slightly. She gags a little at the shock but keeps on going, and within seconds you shoot your load into her mouth.

"Oh fuck," you pant, "that was... so good."
"Thanks, you always come that quickly though?" she replies.
"Either you're amazing at them or you've become the best head giver in the world now. Not my fault," you say as you begin to regain your composure.
"Well at least it hasn't knocked you out," she says staring at your crotch. As she says this you feel your cock instantly hardening again with pretty much no recovery time.
"OK that's new"
"Hurry up and get to yours, I've made you come, now I need to fuck."


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