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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 9


"Hold on," you say, "what happens if we each wear a boot?"
"Fuck, I dunno. I'm half in shock by what's happened and the other half of me is too damn horny to care!" she replies
"Wait, I wanna try something first," you say as you take a boot from her left leg. She doesn't change back into her female form, so you decide to slip the boot on.

Nothing seems to happen, so you decide to take it off. But as you do you slip slightly and grab her to stop yourself from falling. As you do, almost like completing the circuit you suddenly change. You look like you did before, and very similar to her now, only with a few differences that make you resemble your previous selves. You could almost be twins though with bodies that similar.

You can feel that your cock is still rock hard, and so turning back to the matter at hand you grab your new 'friend' and take her back to yours.

"I just realised I don't know your name," you say whilst driving at who knows what speed.
"Courtney," she replies, "Courtney Lennington," she laughs and then looks at you with lust. She reaches down towards your cock and begins to unzip your fly.
"You have an stunning dick I must say," she says in a sultry, fake-British accent.


Question is, what does she do with it?

          Suck on it.

          Play with it


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