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A day at the Stone Wall Mall | Ooohkitty | 2


Being that this is the first time you been here at the Stone Wall Mall you decide to check out the directory. Scanning the monstrosity of a map you realize that this mall is huge.
There are so many places to go and people to tease. You feel a warmth surge through you at the thought of all the people your going to be showing yourself of to.

You think back at the first time you flashed a stranger. Your boyfriend talked you into to it. You were much younger then. Younger physically no younger sexually is more like it. If your mother would ever find out what type of a woman you have become after all those years of spankings and catholic school she would have a heart attack and die right there.

You shake your head to clear all those thoughts. You're here to become a fantasy and to fulfill your own wicked thoughts.

You scan the list and you see there's a Veronica's Whispers, it's a lingerie shop. There you can get a few new outfits and maybe tease the counter girl a bit. You could always use new panties.

You see that they have a Seer's here and they have so many different things there and so many people to have watch you. You may find something hard to play with in the hardware department. Or maybe get bedded in Beddings.

There's a Pet store. You've wanted to get a puppy for the house. Plus it's just more people you can show yourself to. A perverse thought comes into your head but you shake it out.

There's a Spencer's. You remember when you were a kid your mom would never let you go in there even though they had lots of lava lamps and neon. She said it was for older people but all you thought of was about the "adult" toys the sign said they had in the back of the store. As a child you thought of all the things that could be toys for adults and now looking back at that you see how silly a child's mind can be.


Where to go? where to go...?

          Wander around for a while

          You decide to go to Spencers

          You notice a costume shop just opened

          You spy something unusual on the way


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