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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 8


"Come with me" you say as you lead her into the toilets.
"Well what is it? You gonna fuck me? You wanna get your big cock and put it in my pussy whilst I toy with your breasts?" she says licking her lips and stares at your crotch.
"Ohhh..." you moan at the thought, but concentrate, "not yet. I wanna show you something" and you begin to unzip the boots.
"Yes they're very nice but... oh my god what the hell?" she says in shock at the sight of you transforming, and you breathe a sigh of relief as your belief that removing them would indeed turn you back was right.
"These boots are magic or some kinda government project that got stolen or something. Whatever they are, I can change who I am when I put them on" you explain as she tries to avoid feinting. "Here, you try them on."
"O-o-ok..." she says very apprehensively. She gets them on and as you expected she transformed into a very similar looking person to the one you became earlier, but with slight similarities to her original form.

"Wow" is all she can say. "This is incredible. Look at me, I'm stunning. And incredibly horny" she says as she turns to you and lunges at you to kiss you. Shocked, you don't know what to do. You're not gay but you find yourself greatly drawn to her, so you kiss back.
"I wanna fuck you, wanna try it?" she whispers in your ear as she fondles your cock. Normally were someone to offer you their cock you would decline and probably run, this time you wanted it so badly and said 'yes' straight away.
"What was that?" she says sarcastically.
"Yes, fuck me. Fuck me good." You don't know why you're saying this, maybe the boots affected you or maybe it's because you know she was a woman before. Or maybe it's because she looks so goddamn beautiful you just have to have her one way or another.


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