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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 7


You decide that you need to solve your incredible horniness by a different means, so you decide to go out to a bar. Considering your new appearance and yet your desire for women still there, you realize a lesbian bar might be your best bet. Knowing of one from your early pulling days when you didn't know quite what was going on (that was an embarrassing moment), you head down to the bar just down the street and go inside.

Inside you see a huge crowd of women, lots making out with each other, others having drinking games, some even having exposed yet secretive sex with each other. The sight of the last one sends your cock rock hard again, so you decide to adjust it a little so as not to ruin the surprise this early.

"I saw that" whispered a little redhead who was sat down near the entrance.
"Saw what" you reply.
"THAT!" she says, pointing towards your crotch and the still slight bulge that just won't hide.
Thinking you've been caught out this earlier, you look around to see if anyone else has noticed. They don't seem to have, so you slide on over and sit down by the redhead.
"Don't worry, I'm not disgusted by it, I'm bisexual. You're 2nd on the perfect lover list for me, just behind a hot hermaphrodite." she jokes and you laugh, relaxing a little.
"I've not seen you around here before, you new?" she asks as you quietly laugh to yourself. Not so quietly though, as it seems she heard.
"What's so funny?"


Explain to her?

          Show her


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